Can not input Japanese feedback
Can not input Japanese feefback. 日本語でここに投稿しても文字化けします。 lvjlvj
Copy - paste without formatting
Hi, Copy pasting from one sheet (located in File A), to another sheet (located in File B), does it without the formatting: Colors, Bold, etc... Also, the application is incredibly slow!! asafmesika
Spreadsheet module
You must have an "undo" function Ctrl + z would be nice corentint
is there a rss output function available for zoho sheet
I am eagerly awaiting this your products are superior to google in many ways but they have added new color formatting based on cell rules functions to their spreadsheet and expersso has locked individual cells but zoho is still teh best of all three will you have an rss outfut format for spreadsheets? i think i can rss scan my embedded spreadsheets or maybe put them in zoho wiki or zoho creator thank for any assistance you may have on the rss issue m a stein lic florida business broker
输入法:五笔 状态 :如输入"五",其五笔字根为"ggg",在表格中显示的内容为g一,将第一个字母直接填进去了 请查实 hairmonk
Spreadsheet Problem
I am receiving an error message that server is having a problem and to try again. corrys
zoho sheets - publish each sheet as a separate url
Is it possible to publish each sheet as a separate url geniekids
sheet remote api doesnt save to new version
Hi, when i save my sheet through api, it doesnt get saved with new version. how can i do this? i am invoking this url to save set saveurl "$bookID?apikey=$apikey&ticket=$ticket" Thanks, Sasi
Can not access to Zoho Sheets
For few days, I can not open zoho sheets. When I was trying to open zoho sheets, my browser (Firefox) shows, var jsMsg=eval(({StackedBar: "Stacked Bar", NamethisCellRange: "Name this Cell/Range", FormatCells: "Format Cells", InvalidName: "Invalid Name", SaveAsNewDocument: "Save As New Document", Owner: "Owner", Column3DDesc: "Column with a 3-D visual effect.", StackCol1003DDesc: "100% Stacked Column with a 3-D visual effect.", hasClosedDocument: "has closed the document", TabSeparatedValues: "Tab
split the spreadsheet
I wanted to split the spreadsheet and leave one part frozen. Does the ZOHO sheet have this functionality? chezydan
I keep getting the message:"The server has encountered a problem , please reopen the spreadsheet." and also "Error 12002 kindly reopen the spreadsheet" What is going on??? jacobc
Remote API ZohoSheet with cURL
Hi, I'm using the remote api to edit data contains in my server. I write a script in php to edit and save my doc with zoho api. With writter API it's work fine however when i use it to get the content of the zoho sheet API, it's doesn't work! My script show a new document but if i try to do something, i get an error : Error 404 Not Found.... My script get the content of api page with llibrary cURL and show it in my browser. Futhermore, i get also errors in my browser :
MS Office plug-in errors
I have installed the plug-in on my home and office computer. In excel I can save documents to online, but whenever i want to open a document from my zoho account an error message appears: Error occured while opening workbook. The same goes for MS word. There I sometimes cannot even save the changes. Please help, because overall I really enjoy working with the plug-in, makes things so much easier.
zohosheet api doesnt save with new version
Hi, I am using remote API (zohosheet) to save data. when i save the data from api, it updates the same version with the current data & not to the different version. how can i save to different version? i am using this uri syntax in my api call[BookID]?apikey=[API Key]&ticket=[Ticket] thanks, Sasi
working off line
I use to need the sheet in places without internet. how can I use the zoho sheet? aescobedoh
Default page upon signing in
How can I set my account to default to Sheets, not Writer? jholmesrd
Shared Sheet, revert to previous version?
Hi All hoping someone can help. I'm using a sheet as an example of collaborative online learning in a course I am running. One of my students pasted some text into a cell, which then deleted another contributors work. Then it was saved. Is there any way of tracking changes, or reverting to a previous version? thanks mark
Can't access Zoho Sheet
Can't access Zoho sheet - the other Zoho services works ok but Sheet never starts up, just keeps loading until I get the browser message "The page cannot be displayed". /nole
More than 2 decimal places???
I'm more than a little surprised to see that Zoho Sheet doesn't allow numbers with more than 2 decimal places; I can't seem to find any way at all for the number "0.025" to display as "0.025". I get the impression there used to be a general number format for cells, but now all I see are date, currency, percentage, and "comma". Am I missing something here? I just checked, and even Google Docs can handle numbers like "0.025", so it can't be *that* hard... pregier
not able to upload Excel sheet
Is there any specific size to upload a excel file? its urgent, please help me
Date and Scrolling
Can you put a date format option as x/x/xxx instead of xx/xx/xxxx? I did not see it as one of the options. Also I have a problem scrolling down the page when using Netscape 8.1. as compared to IE. I can scroll the sheet in IE but have to scroll the whole webpage in Netscape. If you understand what I mean? Thank you.
publish to web
this is by far the best feature you have on sheets. to make it even better, may i suggest the following: EXPORT OPTIONS, i.e. show cell alpha-numerical side bars (yes/no), show formula bar (yes/no) Great job guys, moving all my small company info to ur site. may even be looking at ur CRM package. see our online calculator at: its not complete yet, but u get the idea! :) rizalshah
Pivot Table
Are there any plans to add the pivot table option raul92780
いつも役立たせていただいております。 本日並び替えを試してみたのですが、並び替えの度に、当初7ポイントだったものがサイズが大きくなってしまうようです。 サイズが変わらないようにしていただくと大変助かります。よろしくお願いいたします。 (元々エクセルで7ポイントでインポートしたシートでした。ポイントのコンボボックスを見ると、7は、選択肢の一番下に表示されていますので、本来、Zoho Sheetの仕様想定外のフォントサイズだったのでしょうか。。) lvjlvj
Technical Support
Can't open Sheet, please help asap...
hello, just emailed support, posting here meanwhile. i can't open sheet from my account (friend's works fine). this is the error i get: var jsMsg=eval(({StackedBar: "Stacked Bar", NamethisCellRange: "Name this Cell/Range", FormatCells: "Format Cells", InvalidName: "Invalid Name", SaveAsNewDocument: "Save As New Document", Owner: "Owner", Column3DDesc: "Column with a 3-D visual effect.", StackCol1003DDesc: "100% Stacked Column with a 3-D visual effect.", hasClosedDocument: "has closed the document",
Remote APIs unusable in robust solution - check HTTP codes
Hi, I'm the technical lead at, an online collaboration system, where we've just put the finishing touches on to our Zoho integration. Overall, my experience has been good, but it is clear that we can't build a robust solution on top of your API. We currently have two serious issues with the way that the Zoho APIs are implemented. Firstly, the remote API is broken. The documentation clearly states that you can return an HTML fragment with output=editor, and that this fragment can be embedded
IEのブラウザ上にてコピーした表のペーストが何故か出来ません。Excelだと何の問題もなく出来るのですが・・・ この作業がzoho sheetでも可能になると嬉しいです。 sumitono
budget speadsheet
Yes this looks great!
Must have feature
I didn't see anything in your FAQ section, but I would think that "find" would be a must have feature. Excel has a very ellaborate find feature with finds by column, full, prefix, suffix etc. webcrsn
Technical Support
can't send notification to shared users using SHARE > NOTIFY SHARED USERS ?? diggermel
eBay Final Value Fees Formula
Hi, Does anyone know if there is a way to produce this formula in Zoho? =ROUND(D2*1.5%+MIN(D2,1000)*(3.5%-1.5%)+MIN(D2,25)*(8.75%-3.5%),2) I'm using it to calculate my final value fees in eBay. I want to create a spreadsheet that can be used by multiple users. Thank you in advance for any help. eBay final value fees are based on these numbers. $0.01 - $25.00** 8.75% of the closing value $25.01- $1,000.00 8.75% of the initial $25.00 ($2.19), plus 3.50% of
Row alignment
I already read a topic on this but with no solution suggested. My spreadsheet shows the lines misaligned in the left section (the ones which numbers the rows) against the rest of the document. If I manually change the row height it's fixed, but if I move to a different sheet and then I switch back to the first one, the problem happens again. I tried with Camino, Safari, Firefox (both under PC and Mac Os X 10.5), any idea? I could also share the file with you if you tell me which user would you use
iPhone interation enhancements
First, thank you for the awesome online spreadsheet! It really is fantastic. Recently I got an iPhone and began using one of my online sheets with it. Since I need to edit the sheet so that it recalculates, I'm using the full interface to zoho, not mini.zoho. So, here's the "issue" and request for help. When editing a sheet from the Safari browser in an iPhone, simply selecting a cell to edit does not work as it does through a normal browser. From an iPhone here is what it takes to edit a cell: 1)
Viewing Text Across Empty Cells
In Excel, whenever you type in text inside of a cell, and the cells next to that cell are blank, you can see all of the text, as though the other cells did not exist. The only time that you cannot see an entire text sentence, for example, is when the cells next to that cell contain date, text or forumlas. In your online version, I cannot figure out how to display long text sentences in a cell, even when the cells next to that cell are blanki. I cannot find any way to clear or format the other cells
Zoho Sheet not loading
Can't access my Zoho sheets - they keep on "loading", but never show up. Maybe it's due to my location (Shanghai, China) - any ideas? axel.mosig
When I select a few columns and drag
this option does not work.. when I do the drag it pastes wrong dates and numeric fields. I need a certain columns to be moved below to create space for entries above. I am not able to do this. vkman72
Wow!! Wat a tool
Excellent work!! I sincerely appreciate the efforts behind it ashokmsis
why can't I merge some cells in a column?
why can't I merge some cells in a column? nanfang05
日本語が タスクバーからしか入らないのはすべんです 至急、表のセルからストレートに入力できるようにしてください miraix2
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