zolo sheet 日本語入力
セル内に、カナ入力をしようと、最初のキーを押すと、英文字が表示されてしまう。次の文字から、通常どおりカナ入力になる。英文字の表示の不具合を修正してください。 yahata
switching between sheets throws an error
Hi, when i switch between the sheets of my document sometimes zoho throws me an error and the sheets content is not seen. Regard audatex_admr
!! Only admin can open sheets offline in Excel !!
I created two sheets for my team to work on, but I am the only one who can "see" the sheets in Excel. I have tried multiple computers and multiple accounts, but no one can see the sheets that are shared. So, everyone is trying to work with the sheets online, which is a huge slow down. Any ideas on what I can do?? Thanks, Robert
storage api file upload
Hi, I am trying to upload a csv file through tcl program. i couldn't succeed. as the enctype is multipart/form-data i did http post like this --NEXT_PART_1201367828.1640 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content"; file="test.csv" 1,2,3,4,5,6 2,3,4,5,6,7 3,4,5,6,7,8 --NEXT_PART_1201367828.1640-- the response from zoho server is {"response": {"uri":"/api/private/json/uploadbook","error": {"code":2831,"message":"The parameter [content] required for processing this request is missing."}}} could someone
remote api save error
Hi, I have a problem with using Sheet remotely. Whenever it tries to do an auto-save after a cell has changed, I get the error "Error 405: Method not allowed. Kindly reopen the file and try again". I'm using the same handler to process the save for both Sheet and Writer, and Writer works fine. Do you have any suggestions as to what could be causing this error? Thanks, Tom
Allowing entry only in specific rows or columns
Hello, I am trying to use Zoho in my huge organisation and hope to implement in for more than 30000 users. Before I do that I have a very important issue to be resolved. I want to share sheet to all, but allow adding/editing of content to only specific rows/columns. This way shared users can see the content of whole document, but can add only his row/column. Can you help me do this? Regards, Kushal
746 character limit in formulas?
I want to use a formula that is in excess of 746 characters. I am copying and pasting the formula from Excel. The entire formula copies to the clipboard as expected but when I try to paste it into the Zoho sheet only the first 746 characters get pasted. I don't understand why a formula would be restricted to 746 characters?
Plug-in not seeing shared spreadsheets
The plug-in is not seeing shared spreadsheets, only the one "Welcome" sheet. I can see my sheets in the window, but nobody can see the sheets I am trying to share with them. John jholmesrd
Number of Tabs in a workbook
How many Number of Tabs can Zoho have in a workbook without maxing it out? John jholmesrd
sheet GUI can not be loaded
I have ever had a account named reds. the zoho sheet's GUI could not be loaded at any time. So I registered another account leafhopper, and the sheet works very well at this account. I could not find out the reasons, If you feel interested in this, I cound send the password of reds to you for testing. leafhopper
Two bugs: row alignment and formulas
The rows in my sheet are not properly aligned with the row letters on left. This is because the title row (row 1) is bigger than normal, but the letters have not moved to realign. I have a cell containing a formula identical to another cell but it should not be identical, and I cannot change it. Even entering plain text fails, it just reverts immediately back to the incorrect formula. Deleting the cell contents also did nothing. As a result a key business expense is incorrect and I cannot use Zoho
editing documents using mini zoho for ipod touch
Hi, I just got everything set to use zoho on my ipod touch and while i can access documents, i cannot type or enter any characters in them. Any suggestions on how to edit or does this program simply view documents? Thanks! Peace, feistyaphrodite
Hi. Your program is wonderful. But it will be even better if you could add the search function. I will appreciatte a lot what you could do about this. Thank you. Angel. criollo
Saving shared sheets
I'm confused about how to save changes made to a shared r/w sheet. Should it be saved as a new version? Does it have to be reshared with other r/w users? TIA for your help.
Hi. Almost always the program is failing and telling me: "The server has encountered a problem. Please reopen the spreadsheet and try it again". Why? criollo
Is it possible to create a simple checkbox (toggle true or false)?
Zoho Sheet
Estimados amigos: Muchas gracias por hacerme caso. Les había escrito para decirles que las personas con quienes compartía una hoja de cálculo no podían modificarla, aunque yo les daba derechos para leer/redactar. Ahora veo que sí se puede hacer. Muchas gracias. Esto habla muy bien del profesionalismo de todo el equipo de Zoho. criollo
Please can you make it so that I can freeze specific columns or rows? It would make input of large amounts of data MUCH easier. Thank you. zicasso
en psycho, ne peut-on pas mettre la résilience du sujet-agent?
Muchas fallas
Está fallando mucho el programa Sheet. Lo he querido usar mucho porque me resulta muy útil, pero con frecuencia me dice que hay error en el servidor. Además, no tiene función de búsqueda para encontrar algún nombre o número con facilidad. Y tampoco puedo volver a abrir la ventana de la izquierda, donde aparecen los nombres de los archivos, una vez que la cierro. Gracias por su atención. criollo
Saving work on a shared sheet
Hi! How are you? I am new to using zoho and have a question. I have been invited to share a spreadsheet with my co-worker. I can view his sheet and highlight, total and basically manipulate the sheet like I need to. However, I don't see a way to save my work so he can view what I have done with it. Our goal is to share the sheet back and forth with both of us making adjustments. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you, Monica (monica.fairchild@technicallead.com cfeagin
Need to edit legend, and bar charts and values
Unable to edit the chart inside like removing values on y and changing bar colors. cboryslawskyj
Questions about saving forms through API
Hi, I'm looking to use ZoHo sheets as an easy was for people to upload Excel/OpenOffice sheets to our website. Displaying and saving the sheet through the inline editor is working fine. I do have one issue with the interface though: Since you can only save the sheet after editing at least one cell some users may click save after the sheet is displayed and not realize the data wasn't actually sent. What I would like though is for the user to have some sort of feedback which acknowledges the form is
Link External Data stops on row 57
Linked external data exhibits two problems: 1. Linked data is not imported beyond line 57 on a sheet I have. I deleted the external data to re-build the link, but the same problem appeared. When the imported html table is viewed directly, all data is published to the web, but not imported into the zoho sheet. 2. I discovered that any relative formulas on a page with linked data could be corrupted, so I built a reference sheet. But, as linked data was updated automatically with additional records
Can't share
When i invite someone, it says "Sharing" continually, (basically crashing). what to do? Thank you in advance. amk212
Importing Windows 2003 Excel Spread sheet
I was not able to import an excel spread sheet which was in .cvs format. I tried several different ways and was not successful. wupta
zoho sheet embed editing
i managed to embed the sheet into my website, however I cannot edit the sheet from my site. Is there any way that you can do this?
I've minimised the editor - how do I maximise it
I seem to have minimised the editor on Zoho sheet and can't see how to get back the information on my existing spreadsheets. How do I rectify? irmamusic
I cannot able to use this Zoho Sheet. It says I encounter server problem.. How do I fix this issue? thx..
OpenOffice - Zoho (and Google) integration plugin download
Hello, I would like draw your attention to OpenOffice Plugin developed by our humble team. Project name is little bit misleading: http://code.google.com/p/oo-googledocs-integrator/ but I can assure you Zoho is supported (better than Google Docs). It is LGPL licenced. Regards, Cezary Dendek.
problem with autofill
whenever i start tying text in a cell that zohosheet recognizes it tries to replace all of the text in the cell with the recognized text, even if I'm only trying to insert text in the middle of existing text. This is quite frustrating when I have a cell with a lot of text in it and I try to add a word inthe middle of that text that is used in another cell. WHen I do that, zoho replaces the entire cell with the text from the other cell. I guess what I'm saying is restrict autofill to only work on
leaving spreadsheets idol while doing other work
I'm on a Mac using firefox. When I leave a spreadsheet idol for a while to work on a different task (which I believe is typical when working on a project), then come back to it later I get a pop up window with the error message "The server has encountered a problem. Reopen the spreadsheet and try again." When I click ok it I get a second pop up with the message "Error 500: Internal Server Error. Kindly reopen the file and try again." Then when I click on the ok button the same popup message comes
undo and redo buttons
Why doesn't the Zohosheet interface have buttons to initiate undo or redo? I discovered that when I click on apple-Z on my mac I'm able to initiate an undo, but my guess is that it's a browser function not a zoho sheet function. nessumsara
change in zoho account details
Hi, i have made changes in my zoho account, i changed the user name and the primary email id, and in the "My Account" window, everithing seems to be changed, but when i get to creator o sheet the user name remains the previous one along with the email address garabujo
Left row numbers don't always line up
Sometimes the left row numbers don't line up with the line they refer to. This is usually the case after I've added or deleted rows. nessumsara
zoho sheet can not load file by URL
for example, http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_ran/WG1_RL1/TSGR1_51/Docs/Tdoclist_RAN1%20%2351(Nov_2007).xls but google docs can! Fix this bug quickly! A fan of Zoho keplerzoho
shared sheet in zoho sheet
I have shared a zoho sheet with my users, it has 2 lids in it, when theay try to access one of the lids it just throws an error saying an error has occurred and it does not open it, if i try with my account i can open both lids with no problem garabujo
More themes
Looking for more themes and user friendly styles. But your grey metallic theme sounds almost like the msoffics office 2007. Good job. vikyboss
return within a cell
How do you Return to start a new line within a cell? I'm using Firefox on a Mac, if that matters.
Publishing snippets
I was wondering if there was any way that people could find or view the entirety of a worksheet if you only published a snippet. I'm trying to publish small blocks in my spreadsheet, but there's some information in the whole sheet I don't really want public. Is there a way to sniff out the entire worksheet that I should be concerned about?
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