Formatting Errors
I used the Zoho app on but it had numbering and bulleting glitches. Fix these glitches please. In the mean time, I'll be using the Live Documents app. I was going to attach an example of the problem but it froze up on IE 8 (the library is outdated)
Unable to Generate Paginated View issue
I use mail merge to merge data from Zoho CRM to a Zoho Writer document. It's been working totally fine for months and now I have started receiving this message after selecting the template: Unable generate paginated view. Switching to fixed width view. If I click ok the formatting of tables in the document go all out of alignment and there's no way of successfully reformatting. Why has this happened and how can the problem be rectified. Thanks
Hypens on page number
Hello, When I add the page number auto field, it automatically comes with hyphens on either side of the number. How can I remove such hyphens? I just want the autofield to show the current page number without those hyphens. Anybody writing a paper according to the MLA format will have issue with this, and not having the hyphens wouldn't affect those who like them as it is trivial to add them later. Joseph
Print envelopes and/or labels
How do I get Zoho to print envelopes and/or labels? Second, I uploaded a MS word document but how do I edit it on Zoho Laborprohuff
Pagination & Print as PDF option of documents in Writer
Folks, Zoho Writer in its recent update has introduced the new feature of "Pagination" as well as "Print as PDF" option. Earlier, users were complaining of not having the feature to view the many number of pages their documents contained in Zoho Writer. Now with the introduction of the pagination feature, users can view their document page wise. Here's a tip on how pagination works in Zoho Writer: Users working on a particular document in Writer can click on "Page View" link present at the top row
Appropriation of a Guest message
Hi Zoho team, Thanks for this nice portal. I created a post in Liquibase Users forum without having signed up. So my post was "Guest" owned. I then created a new account on Zoho and I would like to be able to get notifications for this post, in case of answers. Is there a way to get this "Guest" post known as mine ? Thanks in advance
No Vertical Scrolling in Writer
Why is there no vertical scrolling in Writer? I.e. no vertical ruler or scroll bar. Am I missing something?
Table sort rows by column, please
I use tables a lot. In my client-side word processor (WordPerfect), I can enter data in a table in random order, then alphanumerically sort the rows by column to order them, e.g., by date, by URL, by some other paramater. For example, such an ability is a true time- and error-saver when you have to prepare a long list of document titles with descriptions and the dates they were generated, then order them by date or reorder them by some other criteria. This is a very common task in a law office, where
Public Documento, without 'Save' 'Print'
Hi... i used view a public documet.. have a possibilit the hidden or desable 'Save' and 'Print' ? William Scardua
Help please?
Hi everyone, I have a problem. Last night I was working on a project for school for a couple of hours, and thought I saved it, but apparently I didn't. Usually this wouldn't be a big deal, since I could write it up again in about 10 minutes, but this project was in french, and is a huge pain in the butt to translate it all in my head. And it was just about done. All that's saved is part of the first paragraph, and I was wondering, is there any way to get the rest back?
Shortcut of Zoho Application To Desktop
Hi everyone. I'm a new user of Zoho. I don't have MS office in my desktop so I believe Zoho is the best place to go. But I'm wondering if I can make a shortcut to MS word application from Zoho to my desktop so I can go to the application in just one click. Is it possible? Regards, Bryan from PapaJohns Coupons
Keeping formating whilst carry out a mail merge.
Hi, I have uploaded a mailmerge document that I created in MS Word 2010 and changed the necessary mailmerge fields to reflect the ones I am using from ZohoCRM. My problem is as follows; In word I could format the mail merge fields, so that the merged data was formated the way I required for the document (font style and size etc.), but it appears that I cannot format mail merge fields in Zohowriter. Is this true? If this is so how do I get around the issue, as I do not want to have to go through my
Zoho Writer Equation Editor Issues
Hello, I am using Zoho Writer to create a document which is filled with many mathematical equations that I have entered by using the equation editor tool. So far my experience with it has been poor at best: My biggest (and most showstopping) issue with it has been that many of my equations will randomly disappear after the document has been saved and closed. There have been instances where all of the equations in the entire document have disappeared, leaving me with only the other text in the document.
page preview vs what prints
When i create a doc and view as a page view the page break is different from what actually prints and/ what you see in print preview. This makes it very difficult to configure my layout as "what you see is not what you get". I have this same problem in google docs and was hoping your writer would get it right.
Page Control
I'd like some control on Page Setup. Like to set export to PDF to be A4 instead of US Letter. But also to be able to set margins. Also I couldn't find a way to get a page break (but then I'm not an expert). Without all of this what comes out on the page is a bit of a lottery.
very difficult to use Zoho
I just tried collaborating with someone on a document - it was totally impossible. The other person was able to open the document iin her web browser, but unable to edit it even though I had given her editing permission. And then, even after she had closed her web browser, I was unable to edit the document (of which I am the owner); I got an on-screen pop-up saying the other person was still editing the file. Collaboration is supposed to be easy! If Zoho is going to be an effective collaboration
Problems with page breaks, activex control and redundant spaces
Hello, We are having some problems with Zoho Mail Merge. There are actually 3 problems. I can't manage to print any mail merge documents with page breaks. We are simply trying to print a double sided letter for about 100 customers. It constists of 2 pages, back and front. When i used the insert page break button it inserts the page break. But then when i choose Print to PDF all the breaks are in the wrong places. I can't print this! I have been searching the forums and these topics seem to say that
How to change UI language?
Your FAQ says: 2. How about Multilingual Support (writing documents in different languages) in Zoho Writer? Yes, we support writing documents in Zoho Writer in different languages. Now users can create their documents in Zoho Writer in their own native language. However, support for RTL (Right to Left) Languages like Hebrew, Arabic is not available in Zoho Writer as of now. We have added the RTL Language support feature to our roadmap and will be providing them in one of our future updates.But there
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The Naming of Documents
All the unnamed docs get defaulted to the name 'Untitled' which is a mess when it comes to searching for the docs on the list! (Ok...I admit I've been a bit careless and a bit more lazy not to have named the docs!) If you could have a system that names the document by the first few words in the doc-text (like how it works in the 'Real Office'), it will be awesome and it will work better to search the specific doc unlike searching amidst a host of 'Untitled' documents! Thanks Jeffy
MicrosoftやOpen Officeと比べたら反応が遅いことと使いづらい。 SaveやPrintにも反応の遅さとなれないからかつかいずらい。
Using the Template Library
I must be missing the clue. I click on the Template Library link and get a web page that has a bunch of templates listed. That is all fine and good but I cannot figure out how to add them to my lib or even use them in any way. There does not seem to be any way to make this happen that I can see. Is there a tutorial on templates for Zoho Writer somewhere? --Wes
文字化けしてしまい 残念です どうにかならないでしょうか
PaginatedviewerrorMSG.... what is it?
Hi to everybody. Every time I open my Zoho Writer document in Chrome 15.0.874.121 m for Windows, I receive an error message saying: "Page at address ... says: PaginatedviewerrorMSG". I also found some other problems editing the same document in Chrome (so that I had to switch to Firefox where I didn't find any error or problem). Did anybody know what does it mean? Thanks a lot Giancarlo
Awesome while i like seeing features are enabled here.
Thank you all zoho group.
Where is font, font size?
Writer provides one inbuilt set of styles, or you can provide your own style sheet. This is good for encouraging people to use styles. But many people like to be able to ignore styles and set their own fonts and font sizes explicitly, especially for one-off rough documents. Nearly every word processor and mail client has this facility, provided very prominently, so I am amazed that you have chosen to leave it out. Is it because you are trying to educate the user to think in the intended CSS way and
format the source of files exported as html
I suggest that when a file is exported as html, that by default the source should be formatted for reading (so-called "pretty printed"). Html is nearly always formatted in this way. It makes it possible to read the styles that were used in a previous document, or extend a document with more advanced css or javascript etc. Perhaps there should be an option not to format, which would in theory give some tiny improvement in download time, negligible in comparison with the images nearly always present
Writer and wordhook
Hello, Writer cannot work with keybard program (for unicode keyboard input software) when I use iPad. Please verify it. Thank you.
(User madi_11)I really like using Zoho writer, but every time I get on, it almost crashes the computer and I have to log out of Zoho and back in to even see the file. I realize that the html code takes up most of the memory available to me, but it would be nice if I could finish typing my story on Zoho. I tried to switch to another online writer, but the sites that offer more memory space require a premium account. (I have six files other than this one, and three trash items. So far, my biggest file
new fonts
is it possible to add new fonts to zoho writer? and if som how? thanks
Spell CHeck in-line not working
I have checked off in Settings to allow in-line spell check, but it does not hold the check mark and does not do in-line checking.
Our document is not saving
We are using ZOHO Writer. For the past few days we can't able save our document. For eg: we wrote something and saved. then closed the document and while opening it again, none present in the document. It is simply blank.
Document lost saved information
I created a document and then copied a section from another web page. Saved the document. Then switched to another document. Then when I came back to the original document, the section I copied was lost. I repeated this 3 times. The last time I copied document to word and have the document. This seems to be a bug. John W
Slow slow slow
If anybody can explain to me why Zoho Writer has been so slow and difficult to use lately, I would like to know. I have up to date hardware and software, and the problems have occurred on more than one computer. Please let me know what is up if you have some advice for me.
Problems with connectivity today?
I've been losing the connection to Zoho several times this afternoon. Everything else on my computer is fine. It will not "save," and I have to reload the page, which sometimes works, and sometimes times out. FYI.
muy bueno
Import from Open Office: Math Equations not showing up
I have been writing my math notes for school in Open Office as the equations editor is really fast and easy to use. I just recently stumbled upon zoho and when I imported one of my oo docs to zoho none of my equations showed up it didn't even leave space markers, the only things on the document were regular text that I had typed. Most of my notes were math equations so mostly the document was empty. Is there a way to get zoho to import correct .odt format ?
great revolutionary job done
i am very satisfied with your ZOHO text writer as i get what i need ,to get my document finished with ease,i am proud to be a ZOHO user
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