There is slowness in page/file loading in Zoho Writer and Notebook which I tried.
There is slowness in page/file/book loading in Zoho Writer and Notebook which I tried. Every time I switch from one open file in to another open file in Zoho Writer which have tabs like in browsers, it doesn't load it from cache, so it takes sometime to switch from one file to another in Zoho Writer even they're open and haven't been changed since I closed them. I also met this problem in Zoho Notebook when tried to switch from one book/page to another even they were open and hadn't been changed
Odd behavior when applying formatting offline, especially strikethrough
Dear Zoho team and users, I am seeing some odd behavior when working offline and trying to apply formatting. This happens most frequently with strikethrough, but occasionally with italicizing, underlining and bold. Basically, it's just very difficult to apply the formatting you want to selected text. Sometimes clicking twice works, sometimes only half of the selected text will be formatted in the way you want, sometimes it will work after trying once by selecting with the mouse and then trying again
edit styles and formating
to have possibility create long document with auto indexing of chapter and indexing of subchapter, to have possibility to create automaticly content. it miss me in zoho
Copy and Pasted Text Behaves Erratically
Firstly, I'm a long time user of Zoho apps. I always extol the virtues of Zoho to my students and colleagues. But I have a serious problem in the writer app. Problem: When copying and pasting text from another source (ie: Google Docs, simple online forms, even Zoho Notebook text ), the pasted text behaves erratically upon further formatting in the Writer app. Behavior: When trying to block indent a text segment, entire text indents. When trying to center a text segment, entire text centers.
When pasting in a text in Writer the document can't be edited
When using IE 7 and Zoho Writer I often run in to this problem. It doesn't happen all the time but this is what's happening from time to time: 1. I'm copying a text from another Zoho Writer document or from the Web (by using CTRL+C). 2. When using CTRL+V to paste the text into the Writer document, i get the message of "Processing..." 3. After the "Processing" message the document is locked for edits and the text is not copied into the document. If I close the document and tries to open it it's
Tried To Print And Now My Screen Resolution Is Screwed
I tried to print from within Zoho Writer in Chrome 8.0.552.28 beta on Mac OS X (10.6.4). When I did, everything on the screen in Zoho Writer shrunk to miniscule size - I can't make out the icons, the menus are illegible, and the text of my document is also tiny. I have tried clearing cookies, no joy. I have tried clearing all browser data - no joy. It looks fine in other browsers now, and other Zoho apps look ok. Writer is the only one that's screwed up.
um dos meus textos sumiram
criei um de meus textos dia 11 de outubro e quase todo dia escrevia mais um pouco, tendo no mínimo cinco páginas. Hoje dia 7 de novembro, quando abri minha conta, meu texto desapareceu. EXIJO que recuperem meu texto, já que não é algo que de para fazer igual.
storage space
Hi all can anyone please tell me how much storage space do I have for my zoho writer documents, and where can I see how much space I have used and how much remains? thank you
Left panel always on top nad shift of working panel in Writer
I wanna working with Writer with possiblity have always on top left panel, same as in MS Microsoft Visual Studio.
test in wirter
this is a good function.
Can't edit Writer template
Zoho Writer has Verdana 10 as default font. I'd like to change it to Georgia 11 and, together with changes to lining, tabs etc. save it as the default template. When I save the template and then use it for a new document, Writer's original settings are still there. I tried to save it as "Untitled", "Default" and so on. I tried also logging out and back in. Whatever I try, nothing seems to work. Is this related to my browser maybe (Chrome)? Or is it a bug? Is there an option to set a certain template
Hotkey for my custom style
I`m web developer and I often write documentation. In my documents I use code formatting for blocks of code or for single words very often. It`s cool when all code have the same style: font is monospace, color is different from normal text. To accomplish this I use my custom css style: .code { font-family: monospace; color: blue; } But everytime I want to apply this style I must click on "format" dropdown and choose my style. But I use this very often, so I need hotkey for this just like
Problem with loading in new Firefox
I have had some issues since my firefox browser was updated to 3.6.11. 1. Loading hang - I have to refresh to get some documents to load. 2. The top doesn't have the normal feeds, zoho apps, go offline, etc. 3. I can't print. I click the icon, and nothing happens. The above doesn't occur when using Chrome. Thank you for your help. LJL
How can I directly edit a Writer doc in HTML?
How can I directly edit a Writer doc in HTML? Jim in New York
Pasting screen capture
Hi, How can I paste Screen Capture (e.g. Windows Fn+PrnSrn) to Zoho Writer document ? Something like Control-V in MS Words. I tried Control-V with Writer after PrnSrn but no pasting of screen shot. Thanks. - Simon
How to get the font color to stick in Writer? or How to distinguish collaborators edits?
If someone shares a file with me, I'd like to be able to edit it in a way that the owner can easily see my edits. I don't see any way to do that easily. If I change font color. It stays changed only as long as I don't do a cursor movement (either mouse or arrow key). Once I do a cursor movement the color reverts to black. This makes collaboration difficult. Am I missing something? (I would think this would be a fundamental capability of a collaboration tool. This feature must exist, and I must
Link to Anchor in the same text
- Set an Anchor point in your text - add a link in the same text to this anchor - change the view to "Preview" - click on the Link (this will reload the document, but not jumping to the anchor!) A workaround to fix this in Preview is: change the target from "none" to "_self" But even with this workaround the error will still appear if you choose "check link" from the context menu in Edit-Mode.-- ----- IE 6.0 on WinXP
Working with Write
Hi Guy, I am working on a doc and wanted to know if there is a way to make write clean up after it's self. If i look at the html view. there are bunches of span tages that overlap and or are empty. Is there a function that will remove them.Thanks
Can not open!
now we cannot open, even after we login, but also canot open writer! other function all are OK. but all writer file cannot open! I am from China.
Problem with the accents and "ñ" in spanish lenguage
I'am a spanish user. When I import or upload a .txt archive, the "ñ" and words with accents like "avión" appears with the simbol "�" "avi�n". Can you help me?
Write paragraph margin 0px
HI, i have problem with new version of Writer, i want use Enter same way as in notepad as in previous versions, but now i works as double enter same stupid way as in Word. I tried, set up p margin 0px to html code view- style but it doesnt works..
Feature Request: Captions
It might be nice to add captions to the image insert and table insert feature. This way you could refer back to the table or image in the body of your text as "Figure X" or "Table X". It could auto-increment like the footnotes and endnotes do. Perhaps they could be hyperlinked to the image or table with an anchor tag so that readers could click on the reference and be taking directly to it. See the attached screen shot for an example
Inserting HTML link crashes Writer in Google Chrome
It would appear that inserting a HTML link (href) in Zoho Writer under Google Chrome in Macintosh OS 10.6 (codename Snow Leopard) causes app to crash. Step to re-create problem: Open a new or existing Zoho Writer Document Type text into document Select text with mouse cursor Click the "Insert" menu heading Click the "Link" icon Type an arbitrary URL under the URL field set Click the button labeled "OK" Resulting Behavior Form does appear to submit to '' Server returns a blank Zoho writer
Mass Export/Backup
I tried to search for this in the archives and had no luck, so if this has been asked before, I apologize! Is it possible to save all my Zoho Writer documents at once to my hard drive? I have been toying with Zoho and would like to make it my main word processor, but it would be nice to be able to do a bulk export either as an extra, user-controlled backup, or for some other purposes I can forsee. Is this possible?
I need one inch margins.
But I am not sure what to enter in because the option is in percentage rather than inches. I am using standard sized printer paper.
Mail merge issues with label template
Hi, I created a label template and I'm able to get my mail merge fields in with my uploaded CSV file, but it's just not doing the final merge. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Error message "DEBUGloadEditorError EditorTab is not defined"
Hi, I have been making some edits in Writer offline. If I shut down Chrome and then come back to the page I was working on later, my edits are gone and I get the error message: "DEBUGloadEditorError EditorTab is not defined" Any recommendations on what to do? (Google Chrome 6.0.472.63 on Windows 7 32-bit.)
Backspace works for current line only.
While using export.writer.zoho to edit documents, backspace works for the current line you are on. Once you reach the beginning of the line, the cursor moves to the beginning of the previous field. Here is the issue posted by our customer service team: "The backspace key does not funcation correctly in zoho docs. When you hit backspace you are taken to the begining of the prior line instead of the end." This is a screenToaster (video) of what's happening:
Top Margin
I have created a document as a 'home letter head' template. I want the address along the top of the letter to be (relatively)close to the top edge of the sheet - as I can in MS Word. The top margin in Zoho is set to 0% and 'preview' shows the layout to be perfect. But, when I select the PDF for printing, the top margin is too great. How do I rectify this? patrick.friedma
Tab setting capability desirable
I am very impressed with ZOHO. I am using it more and more. Thanks for creating this fine office suite. That said, I want to suggest that tab setting capability would be a valuable addition to ZOHO Writer's editing tools. Keep up the great work! jamesbath
Missing tabulator-functions
I�m a new user. After ulpoading a doc-file, this document has lost the spaces,i�ve produces in WORD with tabulators. Is this right so or to I make mistakes? I�m not able to find tabultor and/or tabulator functions in Zoho. How can I find/use them in Zoho Writer? Thanks a lot for support!
How do you set the reply-to address for things that you EmailOut?
I would appreciate some way of setting this, because people reply to the null email that Zoho defaults to, causing communication problems.
Loss of Indentation
Being a writer, indentation means something to me when it comes to moving a 100 page fictional work back and forth between my mobile device and the web. Because all uploads loose indentation AND using the tab button does not get you the standard half-inch indentation, I can not use your service for my real work - no matter how much I love the concept. I wouldn't be surprised if more writers complained about this. Google docs have the same exact problem. So right now, you're both running neck and
Any chance you will add 'Tabs' to your Word Processor - This would make me more apt to make full use of your program stephenmclean
Copy/Paste Problem in Safari and Paste Options Problem in Firefox on Mac
I am unable to paste anything in Zoho Writer using the keyboard shortcuts as instructed. I'm on a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.5.8 using Safari 5.0. After copying text from within the same zoho document or from any another source, nothing appears when i use Command-V to paste it. It is clearly copied because i can paste the copied text into any other app. Pasting does seem to work in Firefox (v 3.6.6). Yet it's doesn't seem to work as it's supposed to. The "Paste Options" menu appears but does not seem
Two sets of endnotes
My document seems to have two sets of endnotes, one goes up to 75 and isn't added to when I add another reference, and another beneath it which goes up to 95 which is added to. The problem is when I export the document, only the set of endnotes which goes up to 75 shows up. Can you offer any advice?
Problems Saving Document
I noticed this red flag popped up as I was creating a document and that it could not be overridden - I first tried waiting but the automatic saving had stopped, then I tried to manually save but that didn't work either. I then tried to get around it by copying the text and closing out of the frozen document, then going back in and pasting over - which would have worked except that your copy/paste bug, which I reported many weeks ago, still hadn't been fixed! Sadly for me, I forgot that the mouse
refresh after saving
the document that I'm composing in internet explorer 7 is constantly being returned to the top of the screen after it is being saved automatically - it's driving me mad.
Security warning when using SSL in IE8
Hi, We're having some issues when using the remote api(writer) with ssl(https). In IE8 a security warning pops up. I'm posting the skey(as mentioned in the docs). Is there anything else I'm forgetting? The file that's still being loaded as http is: var cssStaticURL="";(line 53) There is also mention of in the code(line 8), but don't think this is whats causing the warning. The url I'm getting after posting is correct, it's https,
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