When I try to import a MS.doc document - the import dialog box says that the import was unsucesful. But the document did actually end up importing. The indenting is rather screwed and the pargraph hyperlinking does not work from a table of contents. Does the concept exist, the same applies for figures and tables (cross referencing) Cheers
I am just trying out the zoho writer and cannot find the page orientation, how to view the page in smaller size, eg 75% whilst working on a document or how to effect or change page breaks as the print view is different to the actual view of an inported document francis.hor
Tag error
Hi. When you create tag in Untitled document, show and error tag, and its impossible delete. Best regards. administrador
javascript etc
Darn. I wanted to move some notes around and I ctrl-x to cut it from one place, and then I did ctrl-v to paste it in another and nothing happened. Like an idiot, I tried the same thing with another chunk of text, and lost that, too. I finally figured out it was because I had IE set to high security, which I am supposing caused the problem because it turns off javascript. This is a bug: if paste is not going to work, then cut shouldn't either, because otherwise you can lose text. And so did I go back
Does anyone know how much space we are allowed when saving files via writer?
Insert Comments feature in Boxnet version
The Insert Comments feature doesn't work in the Boxnet version of Zoho Writer. Is there a way to activate this>
page breaks?
this is probably a very simple issue, but one that immediately stops me from using Zoho. why can't i view individual pages with zoho writer? when i import .docs from word, it will show me where the page breaks should? be, but without the headers and footers (including footnotes). is it that difficult to present the view one page at a time? this precludes footnotes at the end of each page, or really having a sense for formatting and printing pages as they would print (without going to the print
Integration of Docs and Writer
I am using Zoho Docs and Writer. Unfortunately, these two solutions seem not yet to be very good aligned / implemented and working with both applications is at least for me very confusing: If I upload Word (or other doc format) documents from my computer, they appear in Docs with exactly the same symbol as docs that have been created in Writer. However, they seem to act differently: They do not appear in the Writer "My Documents" list If you right click in Docs on a Word Doc, three additional menu
Website with Zoho Documents
You can write a document in Zoho and use it in your website just like an HTML page It's so easy to update your website Are many people using this technique? Is it the intention from Zoho to use it like this? Or is it forbidden because you will have many views on this documents? Peter Adriaenssens
last updated info for published documents
it would be great for the readers if they can get the last updated date for the documents that are published in public. shan.anan
Export from shared document
Hi there, It seems that when a document is shared to me, I don't have the option to Export it, is that right? This is a strange and inconcenient restriction, because I can Save As under a different name and then export that copy. best wishes, Mo
formatting disaster
im having major problems with the formatting in this document. this document is used for my summer school notes, meaning the document is being edited from two different computers. i started out using firefox betas, but now use ff3 on both machines. one machine runs vista sp1, the other uses xp sp3. the easiest problem to check out is the font. the font WILL NOT CHANGE. im trying to have the entire document in "garamond" but i can't get it to work. please help! i would love to share this document
Paragraph indentation
Is it possible to indent the first line of a paragraph? joeyslinger
New parapgraph indents
I imported a word document into Zoho. While making the document in Word I had hit the tab button at the beginning of a new paragraph occasionally though most of the time a new paragraph was not indented. I can't figure out any way in Zoho to remove the indentation. I want the first sentence of every paragraph to not be indented. Is there a way to do this without going into format coding?
Document will not stay double spaced
I have a document in Zoho Writer. I want it to be double spaced. The first half is indeed double spaced. I can double space the second half. Then I save the document. Then if I look at it in Page View or sign out and back in again, it has reverted so that the second half is single spaced again.
page formatting
You really need an automatic first line indentation feature, or if you have one, a help link so people can find it robbyb121
Headers & footers?
Apologies if I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find these...
How do I delete a table when I don't have a mouse?
How do I delete a table when I don't have a mouse?
How to delete a table in writer!
Hello - Loving Zoho so far! Now how do I delete a table in Writer? Thank You! Michael
Create a blog entry without automatic html format
Hi guys, when using Writer to create some posts for my wordpress blog, is there any option to do it without the automatic format? My point is, Zoho creates automatically tons of "<span>, <br>, <p>" I don´t wanna have or need. Anybody?
font size doesn\'t display correctly
I noticed that the font size does not always display properly. For instance, my document is mostly in 12 point. If I highlight a section and select 8 point, it will indeed resize that text to 8 point. But if I then click on another piece of text that is in 12 point, the font size indicator doesn't update (it still displays 8). darenmailbox-membershi
I seems that fonts sizes are inconsistent. I use a larger font for my browser and the writer display can't handle this. Fonts are misaligned on buttons and crunched together. I'm also unable to change the font size for printed documents. When printing, the fonts comes out the same size all the time. Changing the font size within the document makes no difference. I'm using Firefox 2.006. jasonv5
Formating Does Not Copy & Paste
Hello- I may be missing something, but when I try and copy & paste a document from Z Writer into Wordpress, formating such as bold and underline etc. does not carry over. Hyperlinks do, but not bold etc. This is not a problem in G Docs. I have also noticed that I can copy from Zoho into G Docs without a problem keeping the formatting, but it does not work into wordpress (works in joomla as well) I would like to use Zoho for all my documents, however the added step up having to bold and underline
Unicode breaks and/or column layout breaks whilse exporting from Zoho Writer
Zoho Writer Team, When I export a document from Zoho Writer to MS Office or OpenOffice the Unicode is not happening properly. If I export to PDF it does not preserve the alignment. Can you fix it please? I have emailed to the PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT that were generated by your program. The reference Zoho Writer document can be found here: ---- Deepak Vasudevan
Custom headers with page number
Is it possible to combine the custom text header and page number in one header field? I'm basically looking for a way to add "Last name (page number)" to the top right corner of every page. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Change Page size
There is no option to change page size. If there is I could not find. Can you please help dassani.sidhart
The reason I can not seem to use this brilliant program is that on my WP I know how wide and how long my page is to fit on an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. How can I get this program to let me know that information. It seems to have no tabs or does it ? blondieslunc
I would love to see a header/footer function added to Zoho writer, with of course the possibility to add images to it for adding a logo. Last but not least I would like to say that I really love all Zoho apllications!
Only a few things left...
There are so many cool features and the use of the system is so easy, I have to say, I've already begun moving most of my documents online but there are a few things that need to be addressed. [list=1:ff6d2b5ac5] *  User defined page sizes *  Better Image support. Positioning and rendering for printing. Transparent images go black right now. *  Document back up. The ability to select all of my documents, zip them and download to my HD or to a URL.
Embedding slideshows, charts, videos etc. in Writer Docs
Folks, Its time again for another Writer tip of the day. Yes I am talking about this cute little feature of embedding slideshows, sheets/charts, videos etc into Zoho Writer documents. The slideshows, sheets to be embedded can be from other Zoho Services like Show, Sheet or any other external site. Moreover users can also embed videos into writer documents from sites like YouTube, Yahoo, Google Videos, Lycos to name a few. Here's how to go about the task: Click on "Insert Html" button present in the
How to make the cell contents Non-Wrappable?
How to make the cell contents Non-Wrappable? ---- Deepak Vasudevan
Copy and paste between Google Docs and Zoho
Our workflow involves copying a pasting text between Google Docs and Zoho Writer embedded. And since recent upgrades to Zoho Writer this has just been impossible. As soon as something is pasted from Docs to Writer, it becomes almost impossible to edit. I can't change font size, pictures formatting is unpredictable, paragraphs squeeze up and so forth.
Margins when in paper or sheet view
I can write past the margins when in 'sheet' or 'paper' mode.
Zoho Writer Scheduled Maintenance Update
Hi , We announced for a Scheduled maintenance in Writer between 3:00 AM PDT to 4:30 AM PDT, Unfortunately, the update process is getting delayed and the scheduled window is shifted by 4 hours. We will do the update between 7:00 AM PDT and 8:30 AM PDT. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks, Ranjith
Resizing Table Crashes Browser Tab
Resizing Table Crashes Browser Tab (See Attachment) ---- Deepak Vasudevan
Adding image
When you add an image if you don't click out of all the properties boxes the image doesn't add properly. ie If I'm filling in the padding and don't click out of edit field and just click save on the image, the image will not be added properly. (We add all our images with right justification so I don't know if this contributes).
Word Wrap Option on Insert Image
Could you put a Word Wrap Option on Insert Image as sometimes I want to put text next to an image instead of underneath as otherwise I have to resort to html coding to do it. Also some way of resizing images and setting the width or height in pixels and scaling the image correctly would also be useful.
Can not delete history
I was trying to delete a number of history documents. After deleting 10 or so, they would no longer delete. Tere were no error message, the screen would refresh, but the version was still listed, and I could still view it.
Unable to copy and paste some points from wordpad to zoho writer
was writing a new doc today. I copied few points from my wordpad and tried to paste it in zohowriter. It never allowed me. Why? Tried from open office writer, wordpad. It didn't work.
Pasting images
It would be REALLY great if I was able to paste images without having to upload them or paste a URL first.
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