When I publish LaTex to my blobber the image is not available. Can you fix it? Thank you
Word Count -> Writer
I've been impressed with the products so far, but noticed a small but important feature missing from Writer. I know several people that write articles for magazines and there doesn't seem to be a Word Count feature in Writer. Most people who write for magazines have a word limit and not being able to get a word count from within the product makes it difficult for us to use it.
Spacing of Words, Characters.
Hello, How can I space the words and / or characters in my document? So far this is the only real problem I am having with Writer. Thanks, Mchael
how to flick through shared documents
if I have more than 12 documents I can flick through to the others in "my documents". but there is no "next page" button for "shared docments" like in "my documents". I only see the 12 first or last documents (depends on my order). How can I show all of them?
file name while saving
why is the writer does not automatically choose the first sentence or the first word in the file as the name of the file while we choose to save? i feel it would be more convenient.
I don't see any method for including footnotes or endnotes in a Zoho Writer document. Is that possible? Is this feature expected to be added in the future? If so when? Thanks very much. It is a cool looking product. -- Rip rip
End Notes:
Do we do end notes in zoho writer? Thank you David djayaka
Page numbers to start on pages other than the first?
It's possible that I'm missing something obvious, but is there a good way to start page numbering someplace other than the first page? I'm required to have a table of contents, prior to page 1. How can I do that?
envelope template
Where can I get a basic template for a regular size envelope? Thx, Doug
Mailings i Writer
I Writer: Underpunkterne til Mailings bliver ikke vist korrekt i Internet Explorer, når dokumentvisningen er aktiveret / vist i venstre side.
Document perdu!!!!
Où se trouvent les docs sauvegardés??? Merci... michael.havenit
我发现在使用的时候,中文字体的类型明显不够重组,例如,最基本的黑体字没有提供,这样给我们的使用带来很大的不方便,希望能改进。 james.and.wan
Type has slowed down in zoho writer
Zoho writer has been very slow the past 2 days is there something wrong? I scanned my computer for viruses and found nothing. This feedback form is typing in quickly too. May 22 and 23
How do you toggle between Header and Main Body Text
I've created a letter template with my name and address set into a header but when I load the template the cursor immediately goes into the header box and I am unable to enter any main body text. How do you escape from the header box? Is this a bug or am I being stupid?
Google Site Search
Hi guys/girls, If I build a website with each page containing a Zoho Writer page, and then add in Google Site Search - will it search and provide results based on the Zoho Writer content? Thanks, J
Allow Safe Personal Fonts Via Font Firewalls
Greetings I understand the virus/trojan reasons why Zoho's leery of allowing users to import fonts, whether PD or customized, this side of the decade, so why not create personal font firewalls where one could store fonts solely for one's own account that are isolated and untouchable by other Zoho users? This can be implemented relatively quickly, Custom fonts are the hallmark of document expression and distinction. Jim in Queens New York
Telugu Unicode font
I would appreciate if Zoho writer helps me use my preferred language and this case Telugu, the second most popular language in use in Indian subcontinent. I further prefer if Zoho is able to render it in Unicode.
Formatting envelopes?
Hi, I'm new. Where is the tools function that will permit me to format envelopes? Thanks, Tom
Can Zoho address envelopes and labels and if so can it generate a postal bar code? If not does anyone know of a program that will do so. I recently bought a new PC with Vista bundles, unfortunately, and it will not accept my Word, Works or Word Perfect. It has its own new Works and the tech said bar codes were dropped because of USPS changes. USPS has its own word processing program but does not reply to questions. Please help!
I am very impressed with WRITER features but the thing I mis is ability to copy>>paste addresses to an envelope for printing. jerrypinsk
date in headers and footers
I am selecting to insert a date into the header and footer in Zoho writer and while the settings appear in the dialog the date doesn't appear in the header and footer on the exported as a PDF version. Any clue what's happening here? hele
page breaks and export
page breaks dont seem to be reflected when a docuent is exported to pdf (or even to doc).. say if one wants to move a table to a new page, the page break should ideally do that but the pdf export seems to ignore the page breaks. There is a cosmetic issue in firefox dialog when I choose to export to doc (the interface has a pdf icon that it is exporting to pdf although in the end the correct filename and format is saved) srinsrira
.docx compatibility
making this available for .docx format will greatly improve this product, and satisfy a larger portion of the users wanlei199
Can't unbold
For some reason, once I set bold (say for a heading), I cannot then unbold unless I highlight everything I have typed and then click bold. What's up with that? I am using Firefox ronzonio
Ms Office features
I am looking for a feature when a word is highlighted it should give me synonyms , antonyms and dictionary meanings. If you could make it, it will be so nice. Thanks for your good job. viky.prabakara
word count feature
I fouynd that word countfeature button is not found in Zoho writer, I find it shows # of words only when saving at the right corner. Please make that peafture available. Thanks. vikyboss
don't put a feedback window in the middle of my document
a tad irksome. i was in the middle of writing something. i suppose the same would go for the "save document" window that also pops up as i write. understandable, to have the window pop up, but incredibly annoying, particularly when i'm writing. is there a way to turn that off in settings? the other issue i'm having is with spell check. it shows misspelled words but i can't do much of anything with the red lines under the misspelled words. And the spacing seems to throw itself off every once in a
Change case
A simple change case tool (upper, lower, sentence and title case) would be very welcome.
Spell-check uses the wrong language dictionary
I am writing a document in English, but when I use the spell-check it tries to correct it for Swedish. I don't really understand why. My computer is set to Swedish as it is my country of origin, but my zoho account locale is set to Taiwan, because that is where I live. And the language setting is set to English, because that is the language I communicate in most. According to my search in the forums, the Language setting in my account decide what spell-check dictionary to use. The screen shot that
Problems with Zoho.
Hi. I've been having some problems with Zoho and I was about to move all my documents to another word processor, but I like Zoho so I thought I'd try this first. Here are a few things that have been happening: The font constantly changes back to Verdana when I start new lines and I have to highlight the text and change it back to the font I had selected. Whenever a make a line of text bold, the bold option will not go off after. I have to continue typing in bold, then select the text and change it
Email Out
Hello, Your application is awesome. I have started writing my documents there on the web. One of my requirement is to mail my official counterparts with pdf / word contents of documents. My requirement is that the mail content should also be customizable. Thanks , Sreah.
Why can't any office application do a damned envelope?
OpenOffice Document Formats
I am a linux user. Is there any support for import and export of Openoffice Document formats. Thanks
Formatting issues
When viewing the uploaded documents in IE7 the formatting messes up eg; header disappears, text which should be centred is pushed right (sometimes outside of view), tables and checkboxes are out of alignment. The only issue I have had with FF is the headers sometimes disappear. Is there an update or any other way to fix this in IE7? (my clients aren't able to update/change their browesr)
Character count wrong
I am working on a zoho writer document that reports to be 7200 characters long, however, when I export it and look at in open office it report 9400 characters. Using the unix command line tool 'wc' also reports the same 9400 characters. So it seems that zoho character count is wrong. lan
Position insertion point for Table of Contents
The Writer Table of Contents feature would be far more useful if I could position the table of contents where I want it to appear in the document without editing source code, for example, if I want an article title to appear above the table of contents or a cover page to precede the table of contents.
Protected Document Import
This is likely a rare issue: Imports of file-protected Word documents (a document requiring a password to open) fails on import to Writer. No prompt if provided for credentials to allow the file to be opened and imported, with the import failing. Note, the application properly notes the import failed, providing an error and leaving the application intact (the exception is handled gracefully). It appears simply that Writer has no provision for opening protected docs.
I&'m experiencing line height, font size and font display bugs, to the point where I cannot use this software effectively. I realize that this is a beta, however - I&'ll keep checking in. I think you guys are doing great work, here, and Zoho will be a very useful thing once it is completed. Good luck!
equation editor
It's acting up. the variables I write aren't showing up only "bad image" type boxes.
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