Thank You
Thank You very much !!! ( a new user)
Concurrent user editing
Does Zoho Writer allow for concurrent editing from multiple users? It would be a big benefit to those people developing business proposals.
Email Document into Zoho Writer
Hi, Can I email documents from my PDA to Zoho Writer so I can polish and finish them? Thanks, George
zoho for your domain
Is it possible to have zoho for my domain like google apps? Can services like Zoho Forums and Zoho Wiki be used to make not-for-profit websites? - Pratik
Can't post to blog
There this one particular document which I have been trying to post to my blog using the XML RPC but I'm unable to. Is there a way I can copy the html code? I know this is possible in Google Docs. - Pratik
Publishing as URL
Hi, Lets say I have a document called 'Fred' and after saving it, I publish it to the external world. It works fine and I get a link like: <script src=""; ></script> However if I then choose to cancel that publish intstruction, then delete 'Fred' alltogether, then create a brand new document in ZWriter called 'Fred' and save it again, and publish again, I now get a link like: <script src="";
collaboration and red only access
My Team has done basic integration with zoho. I have few questions a) would it be possible to do realtime collaboration on a single file by 2 or more people, so that both the changes are reflected, sometimes we end up with 2 different versions, b) would it be possible to disable the toolbar or hide the toolbar, when we want to make a read only access locking the second user into read mode when one user is working on it
Exception on loading of the page via Zoho personal
When I access Zoho Personal,am getting the following exception (Please find the screen shot attached) in clicking "OK" too,it is not being subsidised.Looks like a bug in JS script !!
[Zoho Writer] shows up
How do I get rid of the words "[Zoho Writer]" in the subject line when I use the writer and send an e-mail?
Writer hangs trying to save document
I keep a Writer window open throughout the day where I paste info and links. Occasionally Writer hangs while trying to save the document. The only indication is a small spinning circle next to the file name at the top of the page. The problem is, I may not notice the indicator and continue to paste text into the document. The page never saves, so I can lose all that new text. I suspect it's a sign-in problem. Zoho remembers me from session to session, but only up to a point. I end up with a
Category selection window for publishing to blog falls partially outside screen
Category selection window for publishing to blog falls partially outside the screen. Only the top part shows. Probably because I have many categories. The window for selecting should be scrollable or moveable somehow. Right now I am unable to publish as I cannot finish selecting categories.
why does it erases?
Hiii! Everything's great on the Zoho Writer I love it! But there's a problem..when I was about to correct a paragraph and wanted to add a line the other sentences deleted..why is that? it reminds me of the SOB function on word, but who can I unable it here? Thanks!
Zoho writer won't come up
since a week I can't open the Zoho Writer. I am using Firefox 3.0.5. Whenever I click on the Writer it seems to hang. The green bars go in and out. I have some documents in there I like to work on and now can't access. all the other programs are working fine, I can get into all aside of the Writer. I sign in through my google account. Isabell
About Comments feature
I would like three minor changes to the comment feature: 1. The comments should show up when hovering the mouse over the comments icon. 2. The background should not be made darker as it is today, as I want viewing comments to be faster and easier. 3. The viewing of comments should be faster (less delay), if, of course, this is relatively easy to implement. Regards, David
Trouble opening Zoho Writer
Hello, I have been using Zoho Writer since midsummer and I'm finding it very useful. One problem: at work I am on a computer where Zoho Writer just hangs and refuses to open. I've attached a screenshot with the Java Error Console open. I thought originally it was because the computer wasn't using the latest version of Java, but it got upgraded today and the problem remains. I tested it after reboot; I tested it on Firefox, IE, and Desktopize -- same problem in all formats. Specs: Firefox
Clipart feature in Writer
Is it possible to access and insert pictures from the Clipart gallery in Zoho Writer?
ERROR 0x0004005 on login
This error pops up a 3-5 times on login. [IMAGE ATTACTHED] I am not noticing any problems saving documents either. Is it recomended to close out of all "writter" doc's before closing?
Zoho Writer disappears
This is very frustrating! From the "switch to" , Zoho writer will not come up, just a blank page. When we open it from another place, it opens and then it drops (disappears) a second later. This only happens in one of 4 computers. Any ideas or easy fixes? Thanks
Unable to resize link dragged from a Firefox window
This is all happening on Windows XP using Firefox 3.05. I am running Zoho Writer in one window. In another browser window I click on a link and drag it to the Writer window. The style and size of the link in Writer matches the source. I can highlight the link and resize it, most of the time. Sometimes, the link cannot be resized. Everything around it is okay, but the link itself cannot be changed. -- John Turnley
Importing text and retaining the format
Hi, Is there a way to import docs from Word and retain the text styles? I've noticed that if I export a Zoho Writer doc to Word, all the formatting stays but it doesn't work the other way around and I have to put headings in bold etc all over again. Thanks and best regards, Skye
adding images and drawing in writer
Hi I just tried to copy contents of my word document in zoho word documents but all the drawings are not see in the zoho writer.
Not Working
This is very frustrating. I wrote a simple paragraph and my partner tried to add to the paragraph (as a test, before committing) and I never saw his additions. Wasted 30 minutes trying to troubleshoot and nothing. Back to Google Docs. Looks great, but doesn't work. Love some of your products but they need to work for the end user before launching.
Font size
Hi, I'm having trouble getting the text in a doc I imported to be the same size. When I select all the text and put in the font and size I want, it doesn't change the text that's there, only the new text comes in at the new size. Looking forward to your suggestions, Thanks, Skye
Direct link to a particular document?
Is there a way to generate a link to a specific document? I am playing with using a Writer document as my home page. I want the editable version of the document, not a static, published version. Is this possible? -- John Turnley
Layer feature
I was trying to get to know the layer feature and can not remove it. How do I do this? what I wrote protected in some way...copywrite? nancy
I was trying to remove a link from a copied image but i tried to and it deleted the image from the page. How can I undo this a.k.a. Ctrl + Z?
hard/soft return
I'm not sure whether oir not this is the right name for it, but when I export a document to Word, for final editing and lay-out, I find that all returns are 'soft' which is difficult because no paragraphs are formed. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe it's a function not available. The trouble is that I cant justify the lines, because the words get spread out even in the last sentence of a paragraph. I hope I have explained what I meant. Apart from this glitch Zoho is a brilliant application!
Please let me know whether drawing facility is there in writer? thanks, renga
tell me how I can utilize "gears". (in both writer and email) respond both to zoho and my other email address ( Frank Ilardi MD
Please introduce 'page break' and page numbers in the edit mode itself.It is difficult to go to page review to check on the content of each page,shift broken sentences or titles...Further page numbering in edit mode helps in following the page lengths and total number of pages.These features are essential and I hope you implement them quickly..The Zoho writer as such is a great product and I use regularly.
Add Templates to Writer?
Hi! So ive been slowly switching over to Zoho from other services and I was thinking that it would be really awesome if you guys integrated a template feature into Zoho Writer like in FreeThink. For example how they have a Class Notes template if you had an easy create one that when you click NEW it comes up as an option. Additionally id love to see better integration between Zoho Applications like I create a document in Writer then have the option of saving that page into one of my Zoho Notebooks,
"Problem in blog posting" from Writer
Hi, Several months ago, I began getting a "Problem in blog posting" error when I click the Publish button in the Blog Post dialog. I'm using WordPress 2.0.1, hosted by a 3rd party (NetFirms). It's configured to use the "metaWebLog" API and an URL of (my domain)/xmlrpc.php. I believe the PHP script is still working OK - I can retrieve the categories from my blog. Is there any troubleshooting I can do, or a log that would give me more information about the error? Thanks, Dan.
Writer doesn't resize vertically in an iframe
Hi, When using Writer remotely and displaying inside an iframe, if the iframe is resized vertically writer doesn't resize itself to fit the iframe, although it resizes correctly horizontally. This works fine in both the Show and Sheet applications. A small point, and thanks for a great set of products. Regards Paul Brennan
Word document with tables - Formatting issues
Hi, I saved a MS Word 2003 document, after pasting the document contents to Zoho Writer, using Remote Data API. However, something went wrong with the table formatting in the document which causes the Word to hang (3 out of 4 times) when I try to open the document. The only time I was able to open the document, I got an error saying there was a problem with the table formatting. Please let me know why I am getting this formatting issue. Thanks, Trisha
How to Avoid "Untitled" clutter?
I suspect I'm just missing the "Rename" command somewhere, but particularly in Writer, I'm getting multiple "Untitled" documents cropping up, b/c after I "Save As" a new title, Writer creates the new doc, but leaves Untitled in the hopper. I don't see "Rename" anywhere. Having the same problem in Spreadsheet. Can anyone help? Thanks!
EMail Out window's Search
I type a key(starting letter of an user in the shared names) and click the Load Shared Author email ID. It loads the remaining words of the author. But it limits only with the username. I thought username is enough for sending mails and it will get mapped inside, coz this is only a shared user. But by clicking the send button shows the below error message "Please enter a valid email address!" Please clarify me if i am wrong.
Saving a documet
Hello! I have a problem when I save a document. Zoho gives the message "Document format not supported. Error in saving content". I remotely submitting a request of this kind: = [MY API KEY] & output = editor & format = doc & url = -file & filename = sample.doc & id = 4 & persistence = true The document has been successfully opened and edited but I can not save it Please help me.
Copying and pasting from laptop
I'm using MacOSX. This did not occur in Safari. It occurred in Camino. (I will now try it in Opera and Shiira as a matter of interest). I have a copy of the poem, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (T.S. Eliot) on my laptop. Every 5th line has a line number, right-justified, at the right margin. When I copy and paste the poem into a Zoho document, the paste operation proceeds correctly in Safari. In Camino, the line numbers are wrapped. (In Page Setup, in both cases, the font is Palatino, 12pt,
Problem while saving on my iphone
Hello, I wrote a small entry on zoho writer with my iphone 3G. It worked great until I went to save. For some reason, it just hangs on saving. I put down and the next morning it was still hanging. Anything I might be doing wrong?
Using ZWriter as a CMS for webpage content authoring
Hi, from a previous post (into the Creator forum) I was referred to the following blog: I was encouraged by Owens' tests so I gave it a whirl. However I find that when viewing the html of an Writer doc, it inserts a zid div tag for everything, all unique. I cannot find where the styesheet is that styles all of these zid tags. I already have a CSS that styles all the text on my webpage. I insert the script snippet (generated by publishing
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