I'd like to be able to insert a table larger than 6 by 6. sbudzisz2007
Page Breaks not resolving on export
I have a simple document with 2 inserted page breaks. Page breaks resolves OK in preview and pageview modes. However: preview/export to PDF - did not resolve page breaks pageview/print as PDF - failed to generate PDF edit/export PDF - did not resolve page breaks edit/export WORD - did not resolve page breaks Attached HTML source file & PDF example.
Zoho Writer and Zoho Sheet error messages
I'm having an error message when trying to login using the plugin in Office Word 2007 in a Vista machine. Error: "An error ocurred while configuring the local setup for the user. Please check the System Space and access permissions for the folder." Then nothing in the addin works. Same with Excel. Q: what folder is created by the setup for local use? I have read similar posts in the forum without any solution. Note: I'm the administrator of the machine and move the user profile to another disk.
It is imperative that a COMPLETE BACKUP function be made available within Zoho apps like Writer. It is simply not enough to say that the data is stored in a secure and highly redundant manner. Documents are absolutely irreplaceable and it is essential to have a reliable, COMPLETE BACKUP solution (into Zip files or whatever). Please provide this ASAP! bransan
Templates and page size
Have made several attempts to save a home letter header template. All remains fairly consistent, except that the template format of A4 reverts to 'letter' size (i.e., not A4) for the created document. Is there anyway in which an 'A4' template can be used to create an A4 document - without having to reselect the new document's page size? Thanks . . . Patrick pcgfriedman
Adding text remotely to Writer or Wiki
Hello, Is there a way to append text to a Writer Document or a Wiki page without entering the text directly in the application interface? For example, do you know how to use Quicksilver (MAC software) to post text to Writer or Wiki? Or does Zoho have this functionality? vines
Writer remote api not saving
I try to use the remote api. I work realy good for open a document. But wend I save my document, I always have a error. request response : {"statusValue":"probleminRemoteclient","statusCode":"401"} I post my url "saveurl" but I think this url will never loading. any idea ??
Adobe Acrobat
I just noticed writer does not support PDF forma. 90% of all my docs are pdf. Any word on PDF support in the future? eric.eerb
editing with collaborators
it's not clear to me how to track changes when author or collaborator edits documents pbarber
spellcheck as you type
I think it would be very helpful for Zoho writer to spell check as you type. henderjay
Internet Explorer crashes
Internet Explorer crashes every time I try to log on.
Je voudrais faire un backup global de mes documents. Comment dois-je faire? frederic_simonet
Not sure if this is bug or current functionality
Hi all, I discovered today that I cannot create a new writer doc while in offline mode. I can only edit files that were downloaded before going offline. Is this normal, even though frustrating, functionality. Should I work around this by creating some blank documents from which I can create a document while offline? I hope not, but I guess I can live with that. Thanks again for all your hard work. Jim A.
Problem uploading new version
Hi Whenever I try to upload a new version of a document it inexplicably fails to do so. It seems to be uploading but when it's done no new version appears? ??? This has been happening for the last two days, both in Firefox and IE7. Anything wrong with the app on the server side? --cn
Problem with Remote API
We have Zoho Writer and Sheet integrated into our website. Zoho Writer returns a full screen of �garbage characters� ((�c`` �d``��2�PK ���k � etc) when a document is opened. Zoho Sheet is working fine. Can someone please look into this? Our students are panicking that they have lost their assignment work. Avi Katz National Paralegal College
Windows Mobile 6.0 device not loading documents
I have a Windows mobile 6.0 device. I can browse to the mobile website, sign in, however when trying to view my documents, I see a constant Loading sign, and animation. I have an HTC Hermes smartphone, and am not sure what the problem is. I would like to use zoho, however need access via mobile (and hopefully editing soon!) Thanks
Tag folders
Hi there, In the old document folders menu, tag folders appeared underneath my documents and shared documents. In the new "My Folders", I can't see my tag folders at all -- where are they? I can still "Add as folder" a tag, but it doesn't seem to appear anywhere. Or am I just missing them? best wishes, Mo
Cannot See File Names (White Text?)
In the new version of zoho, I cannot view the names of my documents as they appear to be written in white. Is there a way to change this?
Storage API Help - editing a document
Hi, This may be a basic question. Once a request is sent to via the Storage API to get a list of documents, how do you actually act on that list? How do you take the document ID and the document URL and open those up in a browser window for someone to edit? This is mentioned a few times in the API but it doesn't look like there is an explicit REST API Method to edit an existing document on Zoho's servers. There is one to edit a new document. Thanks for your help, Avichal
Idea: Linked and Rendered Files
Hey, not sure if you already hve tht feature, i dont think so, but i thought it would be cool to have some kind of functionality whereby i can specify linked-objects to other zoho files and their content. Then, i could insert this link/render object into a zoho writer file for example and link it up with a different zoho file, and after clicking OK or something like that, the content of the other file is rendered into my current file. This might be useful if different people are working on different
ZH Writer
Lately I have noticed a lack of "stickiness" in selecting text blocks. Mark a patch of text to delete and it highlights fine; hit control-x and it's still there. Highlight a patch to set up a link: it's not there in the link dialogue. you have to type it in manually. Thought you might like to know. It's consistent across computers, it's constant, making me think that it's in the ZH end of things. jciesielski
PDF Creation
Hi, 5 page document when converted to PDF yields 10 pages, with blank page being inserted before each original. Thanks HawkWeb hawkweb
delete to the end of the line
In Zoho Writer, if I have several characters of text selected to the end of the line, and if I press the delete key, I expect (as in most word processors)that the selected text will be deleted. Unfortunately, in Zoho writer, what happens is that the first selected character gets deleted and the remaining text is still selected. I think this is a bug. Can this be fixed? Pardon me if I am missing something, but I think that this is a basic requirement for any word processing software, i.e. that deleting
Two bugs related to Word 2007
1. Zoho writer won't import a docx file from Word 2007. I get the polite message "At this time Zoho Writer doesn't support docx format. 2. I dl'ed the appropriate plug-in and in installed. When I open Word, it freezes on trying to present the "fill in login" info. A dialogue doesn't appear and in the Word 2007, only a status bar message. Thanks and all help is appreciated
No Offline Link Using Google Gears
Hi If I access Zoho Writer by, writer displays the go offline functionality. When I access via zoho start, the functionality is not there. I prefer Zoho start, so what do I need to do. Thanks for all the hard work.
Make Link is wacky
highlighting a word and using either of the make link options (menu or right click context menu) pops up a link dialog. Fine. I choose a document but unfortunately it asks me to enter text for the link. The text should be the text I hightlighed. I shouldn't have to enter new text (nor do I want new text to appear... just my highlighted word. ekholbroo
ZOHO Writter
ZOHO writter is a must if you utilize a library for coping and pasting and moving data between medias. Your export feature is great! Thank you for providing such a great service! Best regards, Judson Carter judsonecarte
No Template link in Writer editor
I am losing my mind, but I can't find the link to Templates in Writer. Signed into my account, have a window open to draft, but can't find the link....or I'm losing my mind.
header and footer lost
What I loved about zoho writer was, that I could add headers and footers. Since the redesign this option seems to be lost. Or where can I find it now?
No more "save as.."
What I loved about zoho writer was, that I could save documents under a different name and thus copy them. Since the redesign this option seems to be lost. Or where can I find it now?
I tried to save my updates several times and they would not save. When I went back to check the changes that I had made never took place. jnmwarren
Minimized View
Is there a way I can view my document in a way similar to the "print view" in MS Word? It would be nice if I could view my entire document so I could see the layout, rather than scrolling through the text to see its top and bottom. jrockahn 是zoho中国&a
Zoho要进入中国,怎么再没有下文了啊 是Zoho中国的官方网站吗?
I have been at this forum looking in and out. Tons of great information here and I look forward to sharing as its good to be as a member now.
Cannot open a posted document
When I try to open a posted document it goes to OPEN DOCUMENT page and comes up with a blank page rather than the posted document. What am I doing wrong - ganesh
How do I create folders? anichio
Curly Quotes
My writing looks like this when I post my articles...what000s...instead of what's. How do I fix this? I 'm sorry but I can't find an answer anywhere. scot
Inserting JPG pictures
i couldn't get a picture to insert in either Writer or the spreadsheet. The program would just hang and eventually quit trying. I have to be able to work with pictures. rachristi
Bulleted Lists
I'm typing sections of a document into zoho, then copying/pasting into open office. When I do this, the outline spacing, which is technically "single" visually looks like double spacing. This occurs even when I export as ODF and then copy/paste that into my document. (That is, when exported to ODF, Zoho spacing maintained, but copy paste into writer, outlines visually look like double spacing). Any suggestions how to fix this? Also, even doing a a simple "increase indent" results in Zoho introducing
Where is HELP?
How to delete a Blogger in Update Blog Post? I can't find any place for help! :( gry_
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