COQL API in Zoho CRM - Part I

COQL API in Zoho CRM - Part I

Hi everyone! Welcome back to another week of Kaizen

This week, we will discuss the COQL Queries in detail.

COQL (CRM Object Query Language) is a powerful query language based on SQL syntax that allows users to write their own queries and fetch records using module API names and field API names. In this post, we will discuss the operators supported by COQL in detail and also provide examples to help you understand better.  Please note that the information in the article holds true for version 4 of Zoho CRM APIs.

When should you use the Query API?

Use Query API when you want to query for a module's data and/or it's look up related data using various comparators, or for records that fall into a custom view without actually creating one. For example, if you want to query for all products in a specific price range, with a 5 star rating and sort the results by price, use the Query API. Similarly you can use Query API to query for records from cross-modules (linked via lookup field), such as filtering products based on the vendor's details. 

What types of queries are supported by COQL?

COQL supports only the SELECT query, which is used to select data from the CRM, based on the conditions specified by the clauses. 

Here is a sample query:
SELECT {field_api_names} FROM {module_api_name} WHERE {field_api_name} {comparator} {logical_operator} {value} ORDER BY {field_api_name} ASC/DESC LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}

What are the clauses & aggregate functions supported by COQL?

WHERE - used to select records based on specific conditions.
FROM - specifies the module from which to fetch the records.
ORDER BY - used to sort the results in ascending or descending order.
LIMIT - used to limit the number of records returned by the query.
OFFSET - used to skip a specified number of records while retrieving the records.

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Mobile, Final_Score from Leads where (Lead_Status = 'Not Contacted') ORDER BY Final_Score DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10"

For example, the above query retrieves the Last_Name, First_Name, Mobile and Final_score of all Leads whose status equals 'Not Contacted'. The results will be sorted in descending order based on the Final_Score field, and only the 5 records after skipping the first 10 will be returned.

NOTE : You can also use the syntax "LIMIT offset, limit" to achieve the same result. For example :

 "select_query" : "select Last_Name, First_Name, Mobile, Final_Score from Leads where (Lead_Status = 'Not Contacted') ORDER BY Final_Score DESC LIMIT 5, 10"

Aggregate functions can perform calculations on a set of values and return a single value. 
SUM() - to get the sum of the values of an aggregate field in a module.
MAX() - to get the maximum value of an aggregate field.
MIN() - to get the minimum value of an aggregate field.
AVG() - to get the average value of the values of a field.
COUNT() - to get the number of records that satisfy the criteria.

Wildcard Character Support in COQL

In COQL queries, the only supported wildcard character is %. This % wildcard can be used with the like operator to achieve functionality similar to the contains, starts_with and ends_with operators. For instance, '%tech" queries for field values ending with tech, 'C%' queries for the values starting with C, and '%tech%' translates to contains 'tech'.

Supported field types and Comparators

The following table gives a gist of the field types whose data you can query for, and the comparators for each field type.
Field TypeComparators
Text and Picklist=, !=, like, not like, in, not in, is null, is not null
Lookup=, !=, in, not in, is null, is not null
Date, DateTime, Number, Currency=, !=, >=, >, <=, <, between, not between, in, not in, is null, is not null

Supported field types and Comparators

1) Text and Picklist Fields

Supported comparators : =, !=, like, not like, in, not in, is null, is not null. Please note that the like operator is used for starts_with, ends_with, contains, and not like operator is used for not contains

Sample Query 1: (=, like, in)

    "select_query": "SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM Leads WHERE (((Lead_Status = 'Pre-Qualified') and (Company like '%zylker%')) and Industry in ('Technology', 'ERP'))"

This SELECT query retrieves the First_Name and Last_Name of all Leads whose Lead_Status is Pre-QualifiedCompany contains zylker, and Industry is either Technology or ERP

Sample Query 2:(not in, like, not null)

"select_query": "SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM Leads WHERE (((Lead_Status not in ('Closed-Won', 'Closed-Lost')) and (Lead_Source like '%Web%')) and (Skype_ID is not null)) LIMIT 2"

This query will return the first name and last name of all leads whose lead status is not Closed-Won or Closed-Lost, whose Lead Source fields contains web, and whose Skype ID field is not empty.

Sample Query 3:( !=, not like, null)

    "select_query": "SELECT First_Name, Last_Name, Mobile FROM Leads WHERE (((Lead_Source != 'Webinar') and (City not like '%New York%')) and (Skype_ID is null))"

This query retrieves the first name, last name and mobile of leads where the lead source is not a webinar, the city is not New York, and the Skype ID field is empty or null.

2. Lookup Fields

=, !=, in, not in, is null, is not null are the supported comparators for lookup fields. If you want to get the name of the lookup field in the response, you must include the field API name in the query. Otherwise, the system will return only the ID of the field.

Sample Query 1: (=, not in, !=)

 "select_query": "select Last_Name, First_Name, Full_Name, Account_Name, Owner from Contacts where (((Account_Name.Account_Name != 'Zylker') and (Owner = 4876876000000327001)) and Vendor_Name.Vendor_Name not in ('Skytech','SR')) LIMIT 2"

This query retrieves the last name, first name, full name, account name, and owner of two contacts whose account name is not Zylker, whose owner ID is 4876876000000327001, and whose vendor name does not contain Skytech or SR.
Sample Response:
    "data": [
            "First_Name": "John",
            "Full_Name": "John Wilson  ",
            "Owner": {
                "id": "4876876000000327001"
            "Last_Name": "Wilson  ",
            "Account_Name": {
                "id": "4876876000000333089"
            "id": "4876876000000333182"
            "First_Name": "Josephine",
            "Full_Name": "Josephine Darakjy",
            "Owner": {
                "id": "4876876000000327001"
            "Last_Name": "Darakjy",
            "Account_Name": {
                "id": "4876876000000333090"
            "id": "4876876000000333183"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": true

In this query, the id of the account is returned but not the name since we have not specified the field API name in the query. To fetch the field name, specify the field API name in the query. Refer to the following sample query to know how.

Sample Query 2:  (in, is null, is not null)

    "select_query": "SELECT Deal_Name, Account_Name.Account_Name, Created_Time FROM Deals WHERE (((Account_Name.Account_Name in ('Grayson','Zylker')) and (Owner is not null)) and (Contact_Name is null)) ORDER BY Created_Time DESC LIMIT 2"

This query retrieves the Deal Name, Account Name, and Created Time of the 2 most recently created Deals whose Account Name contains Zylker or Grayson, and do not have a Contact Name associated with them but have a Deal Owner associated with them. The results will be ordered in descending order by the Created Time.
Sample Response:
    "data": [
            "Deal_Name": "Westborne Deal",
            "Created_Time": "2023-04-06T10:04:02+05:30",
            "Account_Name.Account_Name": "Grayson",
            "id": "4876876000003548001"
            "Deal_Name": "Eastwing Deal",
            "Created_Time": "2023-04-05T19:10:55+05:30",
            "Account_Name.Account_Name": "Grayson",
            "id": "4876876000003526011"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": true

In the same query, if you want to use the Account ID instead of the name, replace ((Account_Name.Account_Name in ('Grayson','Zylker')) with ((Account_Name in (4876876000001236083, 4876876000002799001)) to include the IDs instead of the field API names and the account names.
    "select_query": "SELECT Deal_Name, Account_Name.Account_Name, Created_Time FROM Deals WHERE (((Account_Name in (4876876000001236083, 4876876000002799001)) and (Owner is not null)) and (Contact_Name is null)) ORDER BY Created_Time DESC LIMIT 2"

3. Date, DateTime, Number, Currency Fields

=, !=, >=, >, <=, <, between, not between, in, not in, is null, is not null are the supported comparators for these fields.

Sample Query 1: (between, <, >)


    "select_query": "SELECT Deal_Name, Amount, Stage, Probability FROM Deals WHERE (((Closing_Date between '2023-01-01' and '2023-03-31') and (Probability < 99)) and (Amount > 10000))"


This query retrieves the deal name, amount, stage, and probability of all deals whose closing date is between January 1, 2023 and March 31, 2023, and whose probability is less than 99 and amount is greater than 10000.

Sample Response:
    "data": [
            "Deal_Name": "Chapman Deal",
            "Amount": 2500000,
            "Probability": 97,
            "Stage": "Closed Won",
            "id": "4876876000003550011"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": false

Sample Query 2: (<=, !=, >=)

    "select_query": "SELECT Product_Name, Qty_in_Stock, Vendor_Name, Cost_Price FROM Products WHERE (((Sales_End_Date <= '2023-04-30') and (Qty_in_Stock != 0)) and (Cost_Price >= 500))"

This query retrieves the product name, quantity in stock, vendor name, and cost price for all products whose sales end date is on or before April 30, 2023, whose quantity in stock is not zero, and whose cost price is greater than or equal to 500. Since Vendor_Name is a lookup field, only the ID will be returned in the response.
Sample Response
    "data": [
            "Cost_Price": 2000,
            "Vendor_Name": {
                "id": "4876876000001039017"
            "Product_Name": "Sigma",
            "Qty_in_Stock": 30,
            "id": "4876876000001036109"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": false

Sample Query 3: (not between, is not, >)

    "select_query": "SELECT Last_Name, First_Name, Referred_By.Full_Name FROM Leads WHERE (((Final_Score not between 10 and 20) and (Annual_Revenue is not null)) and (No_of_Employees > 200)) LIMIT 1"

This COQL query selects the last name, first name, and the full name of the lead's referred by field, for one lead whose final score is not between 10 and 20annual revenue is not null and whose number of employees is greater than 200
Sample Response
    "data": [
            "First_Name": "Chau",
            "Last_Name": "Kitzman",
            "id": "4876876000000333403",
            "Referred_By.Full_Name": "Simmons Truhlar"
    "info": {
        "count": 1,
        "more_records": true

Sample Query 4: (>, not in, =, is null)

   "select_query":"SELECT PO_Number, PO_Date, Status, Discount FROM Purchase_Orders WHERE (((PO_Date = '2023-04-06') and (Due_Date not in ('2023-04-10','2023-04-11', '2023-04-12'))) or ((Discount > 10) and (Requisition_No is null)))"

This query selects the PO_Number, PO_Date, Status, and Discount from the Purchase_Orders module where the PO_Date is equal to '2023-04-06' and Due_Date is not any of '2023-04-10', '2023-04-11', or '2023-04-12'; OR Discount is greater than 10 and Requisition_No is null. In this query, we have used both AND and OR operators to combine the clauses.
Sample Response
    "data": [
            "Status": "Created",
            "PO_Date": "2022-05-10",
            "Discount": 9990,
            "PO_Number": "PO-JL-3876",
            "id": "4876876000001125176"
            "Status": "Created",
            "PO_Date": "2023-04-06",
            "Discount": 370.37,
            "PO_Number": "PO-DA-1932",
            "id": "4876876000003561019"
    "info": {
        "count": 2,
        "more_records": false

We hope you found this post useful and that it has given you a better understanding of COQL queries. In our next post, we will discuss the rest of the field types, aggregate functions with more examples, and provide more queries to help you get started.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below, or write to us at We would love to hear from you! 

Additionally, if you have any questions about the COQL API or how to construct a query, kindly let us know in the comments.

Additional Reading:

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