WhatsApp for Business integration in Zoho CRM

WhatsApp for Business integration in Zoho CRM

Dear Customers,

We hope you're well!

WhatsApp for business is a renowned business messaging platform that takes your business closer to your customers; it gives your business the power of personalized outreach. Using the WhatsApp for Business integration in Zoho CRM, you were able to send and manage personalized business messaging all from within the comfort of Zoho CRM. To this, we have added three more quick controls to enhance context and clarity.
  • Initiate chat manually
  • Threaded replies
  • Audio previews
Let's look at them!

Initiate chats manually

All this while in Zoho CRM, you were distributing business messages as automated actions. You were appending these Meta-approved message templates as notification actions for Workflow rules, Blueprint, and Journey Builder.

This enhancement allows you to initiate chats with your prospects and customers manually. That is, in addition to associating messages as actions, you can send message templates to your leads and customers right from within the record or from the Messages module.

Threaded replies:

When it comes to context, nothing could beat threaded replies. It is the ability to respond to a particular message from the chat. Threaded replies go by various names in the market, like: conversational replies or inline messages.

This enhancement brings you threaded replies for WhatsApp messages in Zoho CRM.

Threaded replies will enable you to select the desired message from the list of messages and respond. The chat bubble will have both the latest message and the older message that you selected to reply. This will add context for both the business and the customer, thus evading any confusion.

Audio Previews

Audio is an interesting format of communication that your customers employ many a time. They use it to either record and share voice notes to elaborate their requirements, or if you are into the creative industry, customers can also share audio jingles from their system.
Whatever be it, to listen to them, you had to download the file to your system. For one, this surpasses security and privacy directly. For another, there are high chances for the saved file to get lost among other audio files in your system.
To address this, we have added the audio previews in this enhancement. Hereon, you can directly play the file first and save the audio if required.

That's all folks—these are the contextual updates we have made to our WhatsApp for Business messaging feature. For a feature like this, convenience takes the top seat, and we are happy we provided this for you. While more features like these are lined up for you in Zoho CRM, we would like to hear what you think of this one. Let's connect over at the comments section.

See you soon, Have a good one!

Thanks and Kind regards,
Saranya Balasubramanian
CRM- Marketing

Release plan: These updates are available for all users in all DCs.

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