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There anyway to change a creator app Back to DEV thats not got a back up?
As above, is it possible? Thanks.
Feature Request: Search in the PC client. Some thoughts about the search.
Hi all. I'm really excited to start using Zoho Notebook, but I'm missing some of the search capabilities on my desktop. There are also some thoughts on improving search in general. Search is very important to me, without it it is difficult for me to use
Issue Saving Workflow Rule – "Unable to Process Your Request" Error
Dear Zoho Recruit Support Team, I am experiencing an issue while trying to integrate a new rule into a workflow. Specifically, I am setting up a Follow-Up workflow for applicants, where a user is assigned based on specific requirements. However, when
Transaction Rules & Customer Payments
So I have a situation as follows. We have many clients who are all invoiced on the 1st of each month on a recurring invoice for 1 of 10 plans. This means that almost all payment dates are the same (some people pay late) and that a lot of the amounts are
Scheduled function not firing workdrive.uploadFile task
I have a creator app that takes submissions from a published form. I setup a daily scheduled function to send a record template of the form, as well as 3 different uploaded files to workdrive folders. (Initially I intended for this to happen on the submission
Cross-Posting to a Telegram Channel
We don't have a native way to cross-post to Telegram channels. Did anyone find a way around it? I checked Zoho Flow - but Telegram isn't there. Maybe some 3rd party integrations connecting Facebook, IG, etc., bypassing SalesIQ altogether?
How to connect the Squarespace website with Zoho Thrive
Our website is created using Squarespace. To boost our sales, I planned to do the affiliate program and I thought to integrate our website store with Thrive. but I don't see the Squarespace platform. if I choose the custom build, I have to generate the
Error when trying to categorize bank transactions
I am trying to categorize my bank transactions. It was going fine, I categorized 50 or so transaction and suddenly I started getting an error that reads: "Transactions cannot be matched as the account you are trying to match it to, is different.". I select
Calendar item appears twice for Group Calendar Owner when a group member accepts the invitation
How to change this behavior? Please see screen recording here:
ZOHO Reports - Filter Logic?
Hi, I need a way to apply filter logics such as ((1 AND 2) OR 3). All I can see as of now is a way to enter different AND filters in the respective filter column. But how can I add an OR filter? Any advice would be highly appreciated. Mark
Possibility of Recording CookieConsent in a Hidden Field in Zoho Forms
Dear Zoho Forms Team, We are using Zoho Forms on our website and have encountered a technical question related to GDPR compliance. Currently, we have Google Tag Manager installed, along with a script that tracks UTM parameters and GCLID. To comply with
Snapshot of totals
Hi, I'm more familiar with Creator so it's taking me a while to wrap my headaround the CRM. I've been asked to produce a metric that takes a snapshot total of ceratin fields everyday when they meet certain conditions : Total Average Value for example.
Bulk change color of selected notes
When I select several notes, I want to change their color, but there is no such function. I miss it.
Notebook does not remember the window size and position
Hello am using MS store version 3.3.0 It's not a big issue just a bit of annoying. App starts all the time on max size, after resizing, closing and reopening back to same state as the beginning. any way to fix it please?
Customize the Date Format based on preference
Hello Everyone, We have rolled-out a new field called Date Pattern in the user layout under Locale information. Note: If you notice any change in the date format after this roll-out, please select your preferred format from the settings. Previously, the format of the date was automatically set on the basis of the country locale selected by the user. Now, the user will be able to edit the format in which the date is displayed according to their preference. The Date pattern field has around 40 patterns
Simple Deluge Script
Hi. I'm brand new to functions but I'm trying to create a script to convert a date field in Meetings to a written format. For example, instead of 02/05/2025 8:00AM, I'd like to convert it to Wednesday, February 5, 8:00 AM. My Date field is the API Name
Supercharge your operator productivity by leveraging the power of OpenAI in Zoho SalesIQ
Heads-up: The OpenAI integration is currently available only for users in (US, IN EU, AU and JP region). We will be rolling it out to other regions soon. From complex neuroscience to simple note-taking, AI has seeped through every part of human lives,
Digest Janvier - Un résumé de ce qui s'est passé le mois dernier sur Community
Bonjour chers utilisateurs, Le premier mois de l'année s'est écoulé à toute allure ! Découvrons ensemble comment s'est passé janvier pour Zoho Community France. Dans un monde où l’information a une valeur inestimable, la protection des données sensibles
Export Options
Hi, In calendar, List view, there is an option to show or hide fields, and we export this view daily, and use it to create a Gantt type chart for the days bookings. It would be SUPER helpful (and time saving) to be able to export the Notes and or Custom
Zohocliq status change automatic
Greetings Zoho, So, i've sync my G-mail calender with zohomail, now every event i get from gmail goes thru zohocliq (WHICH is what i wanted) but the thing is that when the event is there let's say from 11:30 til 12:30PM my current status doesn't change.
Solution for setting up header and footer in a template
Hi all, Emon need for business, I have long searched the forum and also how to put in my quote and my bills a header and a footer. And finally, I have an other working stream elements allowing me to meet my needs ... Given the number of people seeking the same thing as me, I say it might be good to share my discovery. It's simple and easy to implement First, start by adding the beginning of your HTML the following: <style> html {margin: 0;} body {margin: 0;} div # printhead { display: block; position:
Workflow rule to assign new case owner sends email to customer from Original owner issue
I have a workflow rule to assign a manually created case from a sales rep. to a customer service repr to handle. I also have a workflow rule to send an introduction email from the case owner to the customer. The Problem: The email is going out on behalf
Kaizen #176 - Optimizing the Use of Record ID Variables in Zoho CRM Queries
Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of Kaizen! Since the release of Queries, we have covered Handling Query Variables in Zoho CRM, Serialization and Schema Management, and Leveraging the 'crmAPIResponse' object in Queries in previous posts. Today,
Validation Rule Not Working for Mandatory Field in Zoho Blueprint
As a Zoho user, we created a validation rule for a specific field. However, we noticed that when we made the same field mandatory within a Blueprint, the validation rule we defined did not work. When we reported this issue to Zoho Support, they stated
Zoho Forms - Shared Forms
I chose SHARED FORMS and noticed "Enter atleast" needs a space to be correct.
Zoho Marketing/SEO Tools
Longtime Zoho user here and just curious about other users thoughts. We use Zoho apps to run basically our entire business. The only software tools we use outside of Zoho are SEO tools, such as Ahrefs or Ubersuggest. Has anyone else ever wished Zoho offered
Is there a way to automatically move a task from a different tasklist to another tasklist when certain criterias are met?
Hi there, Im new to zoho projects and i was wondering if there was a way to automatically move a task from a tasklist to another tasklist based on criteria such as when the task status is updated to completed and have it move to the tasklist that is named
Bigin iOS and macOS app update: Signals
Hello everyone! In the latest iOS(v1.10.7) and macOS(v1.7.9) versions of the Bigin app, we have brought in support for the Signals section within the Notifications module. Signals notify you about contact touchpoints, such as when a contact opens your
Case and Left Join Problem
I am attempting to find the cost per lead, however they are on different tables. I am using the Case and Left Join Functions to do so. The following Queries are working correctly. These are below: SELECT "Campaign", COUNT("Id") AS 'total_leads' FROM "Deals"
Can Clients have Access to their record Attachments in Client Portal
Is there a way to have allow clients access to attachments in their client portal? Attachments is currently hidden in the client portal and I cannot find a way to allow client access. Thank you!
Create custom rollup summary fields in Zoho CRM
Hello everyone, In Zoho CRM, rollup summary fields have been essential tools for summarizing data across related records and enabling users to gain quick insights without having to jump across modules. Previously, only predefined summary functions were
Why can't I see the delivered Zoho Campaign automation email on Zoho CRM lead record?
I recently did update the field mapping on our Leads sync services between Zoho CRM and Zoho Campaigns. The end goal is to create tailored email drip campaigns with the use of segments and automation. I understand you can build cadences, email templates,
Rollup summary for custom module
Rollup summary feature was introduced almost a year ago: It does not support custom modules tough and this post aims to track such feature
Function #32: Schedule low stock notifications on a timely basis to specific users of the organization
Hello everyone and welcome back to our series! For a business that heavily relies on inventory, monitoring the stock levels and getting timely notifications of low stock items will ensure a smooth sail. Zoho Books allows you to always keep a check on
Filling responses from one form into another
My riding club uses Zoho forms for collecting annual memberships as well as for event entries, we need to collect a lot of repeat information (address, phone number, 4 different membership numbers, ect) or have a volunteer cross reference that info for
Use of Multi Lookup fields
Hi, I wondered if anyone could help. I am trying to develop an automation that would send an email to a list of preferred suppliers associated to an account when a booking is created. I assumed this would be done using the multi lookup field, but I can't
How to trigger a specific workflow from Deluge?
Hi all How do I target a specific workflow in my code: updatedeal = zoho.crm.updateRecord("Deals",deal.get("id"),dealmap,{"trigger":{"workflow"}}); I dont want to trigger every workflow assigned to a Deal when its modified. I just want to trigger a specific
Change Currency symbol
I would like to change the way our currency displays when printed on quotes, invoices and purchase orders. Currently, we have Australian Dollars AUD as our Home Currency. The only two symbol choices available for this currency are "AU $" or "AUD". I would
Rearrange web - hidden components
When you have a good number of forms, reports and pages, searching for one among the hidden components to add it to the menu is simply hell. Huge amounts of time are wasted.
Automation#30: Auto-Update Time Entry to the Nearest 5 Minutes
Hello Everyone, Time tracking is a feature in Zoho Desk to help businesses stay organized and efficient. For Zylker Techfix, this feature has helped to track the duration of gadget services to generate accurate bills. However, Zylker Techfix faced a unique
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