#2 Right data, right result! Instantly select and push the visitor info from the SalesIQ chat window to Zoho CRM.

#2 Right data, right result! Instantly select and push the visitor info from the SalesIQ chat window to Zoho CRM.

Collecting right data from the visitor and storing them is an important phase in the sales cycle. The sales cycle is the sequence of phases that a typical website visitor goes through when deciding to buy something. The course of time from the initial point of contact we make with the visitor, to identify the requirements of the visitor, the acceptance of the intended purchase, and the transaction that completes the sale. Every information gathered during the sales cycle is important to convert the visitor into a customer.

Gathering the data first and updating them later may be tedious. SalesIQ gets an option to update the visitor data to the respective Leads/Contacts fields in the Zoho CRM right from the SalesIQ chat window. This feature helps you to transfer the valuable visitor data from the SalesIQ chat window to your Zoho CRM.

How to push visitor data to CRM from SalesIQ chat window?

It's simple! Just select the text you wish to update in your CRM and click on the "Update to CRM" option that will automatically pop-up in your chat window.


When you select the text, the "Update to CRM" option will pop-out only if the visitor is added as Lead/Contact in your Zoho CRM.

A dialog box appears, type the field name in the "Choose a field from the Leads module" the fields that are available in your CRM will auto-populate. Select a field, and click save.


If the visitor is a lead in your Zoho CRM, then the fields available in Leads module will auto-populate in the drop-down. And, if the visitor is a contact, then the fields available in the contacts module will auto-populate in the drop-down.

How can this help my business?

Let me explain you with a real time example:

Property Bazaar is a real estate firm in the USA; they also own a website to bring in online visitors and convert them into their customers. They use Zoho SalesIQ in their online sales, i.e., to track and communicate with their website visitors. And use Zoho CRM for their sales cycles.

Their business objective is to help the visitors in buying, selling and renting the properties, individual house and apartments in America. Since property buying and selling contains a significant sales process, they have to maintain an extensive database and follow the sales stages like:

  1. Gathering the details of the quality leads.
  2. Set an appointment with the salesperson.
  3. Qualifying the lead to contact and add potential.
  4. Address the requirements and price negotiation of the customer.
  5. Close the Deal.

In each stage, updating the information and notes gathered from the visitor in the CRM can help the Lead development team to communicate with the lead and the sales team for follow-up.

When the lead visit the website, the "Lead development team" of property bazaar assist them and collect the necessary information like What is their requirement? Apartment, individual house or Land? Would they prefer to rent or buy? Appointment time? and update the info in the CRM for the sales team to gain insights on the Lead.

Then the sales person will contact the lead at the time of appointment. For e.g., If the lead is looking for an apartment in Houston - Texas, then the salesperson responsible for that location will contact them and provide the details of the properties available there.

Now the salesperson qualifies the Lead to contact and move them to the next stage of the sales cycle and update in the CRM. Also, add the potentials for the contact in CRM.

When the contact visits the website again, then the potential details captured in the CRM will be flashed in the proactive chat window and the contact is attended by the Sales Manager. The details captured about the contact like potential value, name, property details, etc., will also be displayed on the right side of the chat window. The manager addresses the queries and negotiation of the customer and closes the deal.

This is how the information gathered during the chat, and the visitor info flashed in the chat window help you to move the website visitor to the different stage of the sales cycle and close the deal.

Benefits of pushing the info to CRM from SalesIQ Chat window

  • The data can help the sales person to target and reach out the quality leads. For e.g., the sales person from the individual villa division can list the visitors who are looking for individual villas in the CRM and contact them.
  • Campaigns can be customized and sent to the targeted leads based on the category of the product they enquired during their visit. For e.g., The campaign planned to announce the discount sale of residential plots in Colorado can be customized and sent to the leads looking for plots in Colorado alone.
  • You can assign the leads to the correct sales person based on the data collected through Zoho CRM workflow assignment.
Related Questions:
  1. How to integrate SalesIQ with Zoho CRM?
  2. How to manually push visitor information from SalesIQ to Zoho CRM?
  3. How to auto-push the basic visitor info from SalesIQ to CRM?

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