Goodbye, Old Notebook

Goodbye, Old Notebook

We're sorry to announce the end of the old Notebook. We know some of you really loved it. The good news is we're really happy with Notebook's new incarnation. Our mobile note-taking app is beautifully simple and a real joy to use, available on iOS and Android. Last month we released a Chrome Web Clipper, allowing you to take notes from the web. We will soon be releasing a native Mac app. There's even a new web app in the works.


We encourage all users and lovers of the old Notebook to migrate their data to the new one. We know it's not the same, but we think you'll really enjoy it.


For more information on migrating to the new Notebook, check out the link below:

      • Sticky Posts

      • Migrate your Notebook data to the new, mobile Notebook.

        Zoho Notebook is transforming. The new version will include exciting new features and a completely new user experience. The initial version will be mobile based, available for Android and iOS. A new web version will be available after the initial mobile release.   With the release of the new Notebook approaching, we're migrating most of your current data to the new version. Once the new version is released, there will be an additional window to migrate your data. We will not provide access to the