We hope you're following our four-tip series on holiday-based ecommerce email marketing and the previous instalment was helpful. Today's tip will help you learn how to send emails that stand out in your recipients' inbox and improve engagement.
Before discussing the tip, let's understand why targeted emails are important.
It simply means sending the right content to the right people. Holiday season or not, sending targeted emails boosts your bottom line in many ways.
Your recipients start feeling that the emails are uniquely tailored to them. This increases the likelihood of opening your emails long-term, which, in turn, improves your overall email deliverability (read: inbox placement).
Inbox Service Providers (ISPs) like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and more consider your engagement patterns as one of the means to take the spam-or-inbox decision. If your recipients are positively responding to your email (open, link clicks), it does a world of good to your email deliverability.
Over and above, identifying your active contacts is a major form of segmentation in itself. If you send emails to contacts that haven't engaged with your emails for a very long time, it sends a bad signal to the ISPs that your mailing lists are unhealthy. This, in turn, affects your email deliverability. Sending irrelevant emails is one of the many reasons why a contact turns inactive.
1. Items purchased
2. Items not purchased
3. Average amount spent
4. Average amount spent per order
5. Date of the last order
6. Total number of orders
7. Total amount spent
We hope this helped! Stay tuned as we ideate our final tip of this holiday email marketing series.