Increasing response versatility

Increasing response versatility

Quality always takes center stage when it comes to Survey responses, but there are two more components that deserve to share the spotlight: quantity and versatility! The more diverse the sample is, the better data range we receive. Today, we look at a feature that helps manage the versatility and number of Survey responses- collector quota.

We know multiple collectors can be created and shared across different media and groups for diverse response collection. Using collector quota, you can set limitations on the number of responses gathered by each collector.

How do you use this feature effectively?

  • Create different collectors that correspond to your distribution media or demographic groups

  • Set up the response limits under collector quota on the Launch page

  • Once the response limit is reached, you can choose to do one of the following:

    • Close the collector

    • End the session for the respondent and take them to Survey over quota page

    • Continue collecting responses

  • Set up notification emails to inform you of the limit being reached

How does this help?

Enhanced survey quality: Ensures data integrity by balancing diversity and quality of responses.

Comparative analysis: Facilitates insights by collecting and comparing responses from varied groups.

Strategic data collection: Aligns response collection with research goals and improves relevance.

Controlled and diverse feedback: Attracts a wide range of opinions within the target audience to maximize the accuracy and validity of the survey data.