Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: Collaborate and get work going with your team

Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: Collaborate and get work going with your team

Say you work for Zylker Travels, and you've seen a nice and engaging mention about your company on Facebook that requires a response from the brand.

But you're new to the team, so you're a little hesitant to respond to it immediately. You go on to take a screenshot of this mention, share it with your senior colleague to discuss what to respond, and then reply to the mention. That's quite a number of steps to finish before you actually respond, right?

Let's consider another scenario where you worked on a marketing campaign for your brand's Instagram page, and your senior management wants to understand how it has helped your brand's social media audience to grow. Specifically, they want to know how many followers have increased for your account and how audiences are engaging with different types of posts. For your management to understand this, it's sufficient for you to share just the specific metrics instead of sharing all reports for the network.

All of this and so much more—such as discussing messages, posts sent for approval, and posts scheduled and drafted—can all be shared in the Collaborate tab in Zoho Social. Collaboration and brainstorming with your team for ideas is a crucial part every step of the way as you build your brand's social media presence. In-person discussions about everything social aren't always feasible and immediate enough for you to make prompt decisions. So the best and most efficient way is to take these discussions online via a single, convenient dashboard. For this, Zoho Social's Collaborate tab is your one-stop solution

You can simply click on any post, metric, and notification about a mention, then click Discuss to instantly start a discussion about it with your team members on the Collaborate tab.

You can tag people; add a message, emojis, and other file attachments; and choose who you want to discuss it with. If you're an agency and you've onboarded your clients to Zoho Social, you can even share the discussion with the clients to get their approval before proceeding with something.

For the ease of viewing or finding a discussion, you can also filter them out based on Connections, Reports, Discussions, Posts, Scheduled Posts, Unpublished Posts, and Drafts, or you can click on a member's profile icon to see all discussions they've been a part of.

With the Collaborate feature on Zoho Social, your team communication just got a lot more easier!