Spotlight #8: User Preferences

Spotlight #8: User Preferences

Hello everyone!

We're back again to highlight another feature in our spotlight series for Zoho WorkDrive.

User Preferences in WorkDrive allows you to choose the default settings for your account, such as theme, view, sorting, file type, and landing location.

In this article, we'll look into the available preferences settings in WorkDrive one by one.

To get to the User Settings page, click on the Team Name in the top-left corner and select My Preferences in the dropdown.

Choose a theme for your WorkDrive account

The Theme setting allows you to pick a theme for your overall WorkDrive account. Whichever you choose, WorkDrive will apply the selected color theme to your account's user interface.

Choose a default view for your folders

In this setting, users can choose from a list view or thumbnail (grid) view formats for data inside their My Folders, Team Folders, and Favorites sections.

If you have more files in your Team Folders, using the List view is preferable as it follows a natural reading pattern. It also prevents over-scrolling by presenting a more optimized visible area.

If you have more image files in your Team Folders to select from, you might want to choose the Thumbnail view. This view is more suited for visual content and also helps in differentiating data types.

Choose a default sort option

The default sorting options lets the user choose the sorting order they would like to see in their Team Folders, My Folders, and Favorites sections.

There are three options available. You can sort your files and folders based on the last modification time, alphabetical order, or the time of data creation.

Choose a default landing location

Here, users are allowed to choose a default destination location to land whenever they sign in to their WorkDrive account.

Users are allowed to choose between My Folders, Recent Files, or the folder with which they closed their previous session.

Decide whether to convert the incoming files to Zoho format

Finally, this user setting allows the user to choose whether or not to convert all the uploaded documents, spreadsheets, and presentations to Zoho WorkDrive's format.

Enabling this option will let you open and edit these files later with the Zoho editor apps Writer, Sheet, and Show.

We hope this article provides you with an understanding of how User Settings in WorkDrive can help users set their preferential custom settings for better usability.

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