The all-new SalesIQ 2.0 chat window - To strengthen your customer support experience.

The all-new SalesIQ 2.0 chat window - To strengthen your customer support experience.

We hope you are all doing great. The SalesIQ team is overwhelmed with the response we got for our new version SalesIQ 2.0. It is a game-changer to most of our customers with the newly launched features such as People, Resources, Codeless bots, Channels, Widgets, etc., which helps to take up their business to a whole new level. 

SalesIQ is widely used for Customer engagement, support, and retention. So, for those who have bonded with our old UI, this post will help you to effortlessly switch to the more powerful and modern SalesIQ 2.0 and take your customer service game to a whole new level.  

Instantly get back to your ongoing conversation:

Managing your ongoing conversation or chats in your portal is made simple! The dedicated My chats option on the dock at the right side of the SalesIQ dashboard will now help you to reduce the friction between switching between multiple menus to access your conversation. All the conversations you had with the visitor will be listed here. 


Introducing the most powerful chat window yet!

The chat window is the heart of SalesIQ. It helps operators to support your visitors on the website seamlessly. The new chat window of SalesIQ 2.0 is powerful than ever, providing you all the necessary tools to perform successful deals.


Before we dive deeper into the features of the SalesIQ chat window, let's understand how the chat widow is sectioned.


The chat window consists of 3 sections:

  1. Chat list 
  2. Chat window 
  3. Widgets 

Chat list

In the old SalesIQ version, we used tabs to switch between multiple ongoing chats. Now, we introduced Chat lists to get to the desired conversation with ease. 


It lists all your chats in vertically stacked tiles that indicate each conversation with the essential details. You can click on a tile to open the conversation. This allows operators to manage many chats simultaneously without any hassle. 


The functional and straightforward chat list is segmented into:

  • Active - All open conversations assigned to you. 
  • Missed - All chat requests that you have failed to pickup
  • Closed - All past conversations attended by you. 

In addition, it allows you to filter out our ongoing chats based on various criteria and provides basic information right inside the visitor tile. 

Support better with fully equipped conversation window:

More features! More deals! The conversation view is now designed to make your conversation much more fluid and faster. With the features like audio calls, screen sharing, voice notes, whiteboard, etc., You can provide x10 improved assistance. 


The new chat window gets a makeover, enabling all the essential tools to provide better support at hand's reach. 


Enriched conversations with widgets 

No more switching apps or navigating between pages! Provide the intended support even if it requires external application without leaving SalesIQ.


SalesIQ 2.0 introduced the Widgets section inside the chat window to help operators provide a data-rich contextual conversation that lets operators know more about visitors and perform custom actions right from the chat window. Psst! Want to know a secret? Add more integrations in SalesIQ to unlock exclusive widgets like Zoho CRM, Desk, Campaign, etc.,


Now let's see all the sub-sections:


Visitor info: The visitor info section shows all the essential information of the visitor, such as Name, Email, Address, etc., that can be used by the operators to know more about the visitor and provide a contextual conversation. 


Recent chats: View the past conversation of the visitors right from the chat window.


Custom widgets: Design your custom widget to get access to endless possibilities to showcase any custom data and perform actions that can help you scale up your business.


Integration widgets: Unlock a wide range of widgets that comes after integrating a service with SalesIQ. This can help you minimize the need to switch between tabs constantly to support your users. Integration like CRM and desk can help you view the visitor info and manage support tickets right inside the chat window.


Now, with all these three sections combined, you get one of the most powerful chat window that can help you sign deals and provide the best support like never before. Please switch to our new UI and provide your valuable feedbacks.


For more details, check out our help guides here


Stay tuned for more updates!


