Tiny Tip Tuesday #24

Tiny Tip Tuesday #24

Customize your survey using collectors

Imagine you want to send out a survey to a large audience across the globe. Your questions are formulated, themes are applied, and it's all set to go, but you need categorized responses based on country, age, and profession. What is the best way to receive responses based on the categories you've chosen? Use collectors!

Collector is a method that we use for gathering organized survey responses. With collectors, you can customize the survey-taking experience for different sets of audiences. A single survey can have multiple collectors with unique links for each category. You can also close collectors individually once you receive enough responses from a particular group. Your survey report will be generated for different age groups or people from different countries and professional backgrounds based on the collectors you created.

If you need assistance in learning more about collectors, please write to us at support@zohosurvey.com.