Tiny Tip Tuesday #25

Tiny Tip Tuesday #25

Sentiment Analysis: All You Need to Know

Surveys are tools that measure the sentiment of a group. Let's imagine you want to run a survey that will go out to a large audience, and you want to know how they feel about an event you just organized. With such a huge number of participants, it might not be possible for you to read and analyze all the descriptive answers you'll receive. However, it's necessary for you to go through them in detail to understand the real sentiment of your group. This is where a sentiment analysis can make your life easier!

Sentiment analysis helps you examine descriptive answers and shows you the percentage of each sentiment in the text from a set of default choices. It also displays a table with the response percentage and response count for each key word in the text. The overall sentiment of the text displayed in the form of emoticons gives you a clear-cut idea of how they received your event — whether they're happy about it or if it didn't meet their expectations. Try it out and let us know your thoughts.

Watch this space for a new tip.