Tiny Tip Tuesday #40

Tiny Tip Tuesday #40

Social Media Sharing - II
In the previous tip, we discussed best practices for sharing surveys on social media. It's a fact that most of our respondents are active on social media almost all the time, so a survey posted on social media will likely be seen. Since social media is the way to more responses, here are a few more pointers for sharing your surveys there.
  1. Know your audience. Sending surveys at the right time to the right audience makes all the difference. You'll likely notice that a younger group answers surveys they find on social media while an older group might not.
  2. Create target groups. Not all surveys are meant for everyone. Clearly mention the purpose of your survey and create groups based on varied demographics. This will help you collect relevant and appropriate responses.
  3. Make your surveys responsive. Ensure your surveys are responsive for mobile devices as most respondents will answer surveys on them.
  4. Design an interesting social media preview for your survey. A catchy title, description, and an image will definitely grab your audience's attention.
  5. Keep engaging your followers with regular updates and posts so they get notified when you share something significant like a survey.
Can you think of more dos and don'ts on sharing surveys on social media? Let us know in the comments.