Tiny Tip Tuesday #45

Tiny Tip Tuesday #45

Personalizing your surveys
Assume that you want to send out a survey to employees who are currently working from home to find out their willingness to work back in your office. You can employ a few tricks in your survey and make it personalized for each of them to answer.

Customize the questions by adding variables.
One way to personalize the survey is to prepopulate the fields by taking details from the survey URL. Assume that you want to add the name of the respondent in a greeting before you start asking the questions. You can get this done by adding a URL parameter. You can use this information to address them throughout the survey, or to display a thank you note at the end.

Customize the questions based on previous responses.
The second way to personalize is to use the information they've already entered in the previous questions. For example, if you want to ask your respondents where they are currently living, you can first ask them to select their country, and later ask them to choose a state based on the answer they gave to the previous question.

Did you find this tip useful? Let us know if you need assistance in using this feature in your surveys.