Tiny Tip Tuesday #58

Tiny Tip Tuesday #58

Disqualifying respondents who don’t match your survey criteria has always been a concern. These respondents might be your potential leads in the future, or they might introduce you to new leads through word-of-mouth marketing. This is done right with a proper page skip logic to filter respondents, and a well-informed disqualification page, as both of them would give a good impression on your audience. Let's see how this tip can help build better survey disqualification pages:
  1. Custom message: Display a message explaining the reason the respondent wasn’t allowed to take part in the survey. This can be expressed professionally through various means like texts, links, images, videos, and variables.
  2. Redirect to a new page: Redirect the respondent to a new page by entering its URL. This new page can be a different product/service/offer that garners the respondent's attention. You can also add dynamic disqualification parameters, to append survey responses to the redirected URL, classifying respondents based on the questions that they've answered.