Tips and Tricks #42: WorkDrive now supports advanced file properties

Tips and Tricks #42: WorkDrive now supports advanced file properties

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are finding our WorkDrive Tips and Tricks series useful. For tips on specific topics, leave comment below and we'll add it to our series.

Today, we're looking at an easy tip on how to check advanced file properties for files from different sources.

As you may know, metadata is data that provides information about other data. The metadata of any file can be useful and productive, as it provides basic information about the file and makes the data more manageable.

WorkDrive now allows users to view all the advanced file descriptions associated with the file—so when you upload files from your desktop or other cloud services with advanced file properties, you will now be able to see them in WorkDrive.

For example, if you want to find the creator of an image file copied from your desktop or other cloud services, the file's metadata will have the following details, provided the data is associated with the file.

  • Dimensions
  • Location
  • Map point/ pin
  • Address
  • Focal length
  • Metering
  • Flash
  • Camera make
  • Camera model
  • White balance
  • Orientation
  • ISO
  • Software
  • F-Number
  • Exposure time

To check the advanced file properties of a file, follow these steps:

  1. Select the file for which you want to check the metadata.
  2. Click the Info icon (i) in the right-side panel. (The basic properties of the file will be displayed.)
  3. Scroll down on the properties panel to click View more details at the bottom.

We hope you find these tips helpful! If you have any questions, please ask us in the comments below or email us at