Tips & Tricks #15: Ensure effective employee onboarding with Zoho WorkDrive

Tips & Tricks #15: Ensure effective employee onboarding with Zoho WorkDrive

Creating a solid onboarding process is as crucial as investing your time, effort, and money to pick the right talent. As employers, it is essential to make your new hires feel welcome and give them the necessary guidance to understand their role.
Here're three ways WorkDrive can help you ease an employee's transition into their team.
1. Adding new employees to Team Folders: 
WorkDrive offers a shared space for your team to organize and manage their files under a single roof. Create Team Folders for different teams, multiple departments, or for individual projects based on your requirements. 
When you add a new employee to these Team Folders, you give them the access to all the information they need to get a head start at work. They can study previous projects and refer to other materials without waiting for someone to share it with them. 

You can also create Public Team Folders and add training materials or company policies to them. This way, any employee within your organization can join the Team Folder and view all the files. 

2. Adding new employees to the relevant groups:
WorkDrive lets you create user groups, making information-sharing with a large set a people painless. You can create groups for managers, marketers, new hires, and so on to share files and folders with them efficiently.
When you add a new hire to a group, he or she gets access to all the files and folders that are shared with the group, in a click. This way, you save time on sharing documents individually. 

3. Transferring file ownership: 
Often when an employee leaves an organization, their data leaves with them as well. But with WorkDrive, you can easily transfer ownership of files and folders from one employee to another. This way, the new employee can start from where their predecessor left off. 

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