Zoho Sign: Product updates - Mid - 2024

Zoho Sign: Product updates - Mid - 2024

Hello, everyone!

We've crossed the halfway point in 2024, and here's what Zoho Sign has been up to lately. We've been part of several ​Zoho User Groups​, and we've started creating ​video content for our developers​.

Here's a list of features and enhancements that have gone live in Zoho Sign over the past six months, along with a list of what we have in pipeline for the rest of the year.

Whats new?

  • Custom roles and profiles
  • Self-learning API resources
  • Webhooks security
  • Controls for US FDA's 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11
  • Digital signatures via E-CSPs for Kenya
Custom roles and profiles

Zoho Sign administrators can now define granular access controls for their users by creating user groups, custom roles, and profiles. This offers an easy way to manage document visibility within their organization.

New API resources

With the improved API documentation, developers can now easily ​embed​ Zoho Sign's functionalities within their applications or websites to send and collect signatures from recipients.

Webhooks security

Zoho Sign offers an option to secure your webhooks using HMAC-SHA 256, an industry-standard hashing mechanism.

Control measures for life science and healthcare companies

Organizations subscribed to the Enterprise plan can now enable control measures for users operating in the life science and healthcare industry. These controls keep Zoho Sign in compliance with the FDA's 21 CFR Part 11 and Eudralex GMP Annex 11.

Digital signatures via E-CSPs for Kenya

Zoho Sign subscribers in the US data center can now get their documents signed via Tendaworld, a licensed Electronic Certification Service Provider (E-CSPs) in Kenya. Documents signed using this integration are legally valid according to the Kenya Information and Communications Act, No. 2.

What’s coming?

  • Conditional fields
  • Formula fields
  • Availability of Zoho Sign in the Saudi Arabia data center
  • Advanced electronic signatures for Saudia Arabia via emdha
  • eWitness
  • Checkbox grouping
  • Signing groups
  • Zoho integrations
    • Bigin
    • Projects
  • Third-party integrations
    • Salesforce

Some of these features are already in the release-ready state and awaiting launch, while some are in the development stage with plans to release them by the end of the year.

Watch this space for the official announcements. If you have any other queries or feedback, feel to comment below or write to ​support@zohosign.com or​ support@eu.zohosign.com​ (for EU region).

Happy Zoho Signing!

Rajeev Sivaraman