Zoho Calendar 2024: A Year in Review

Zoho Calendar 2024: A Year in Review

Hello, community members!

Happy new year from all of us here at Zoho Calendar.

As we turn the page to a new year, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to every member of our Zoho Calendar community for your continued support and enthusiasm. Your feedback and engagement have been integral to our growth, inspiring us to deliver innovative features and enhancements.

In this special year-end review, we invite you to journey through the past 12 months and revisit the exciting updates that have transformed Zoho Calendar into an even more efficient and user-friendly tool. From game-changing integrations to enhanced scheduling capabilities, let's explore the milestones that have defined our year together.

No more switching between applications!

When you schedule an event in the CRM calendar from the Zoho Calendar, you have the option to see the created event in Zoho CRM by selecting the 'View in CRM' option. Explore!

Export your calendar data whenever needed

Whether you're offline or aiming to transfer data to another account, Zoho Calendar allows you to export all calendars from the My Calendars section. You can also export Group Calendars that you've created or where you serve as a moderator, along with Shared calendars. Know More.

Introducing Zoho Calendar and Calendly sync!

Using the Calendly sync, you can manage both your Calendly and Zoho calendars from one place. The Calendly sync allows you to synchronize your Calendly calendar with your Zoho calendar, from where you can view your events in the Zoho calendar. Check Out Now!

Command your calendar effortlessly with Keyboard shortcuts!

Whether you're scheduling meetings, searching for an event, or even customizing your calendar view, Zoho Calendar provides a multitude of keyboard shortcuts to navigate your calendar efficiently. Check it out!

Assign roles to manage your resources efficiently!

Assign different roles, such as Resource Administrator and Resource Manager, to users to manage the organization's resources more efficiently. Explore!

Streamline your schedules: Zoho Calendar meets MS Teams!

Zoho Calendar now integrates with Microsoft Teams, enabling you to schedule and join Teams meetings directly from your Zoho calendar. This integration enhances your productivity by providing streamlined event management and collaboration capabilities. Learn how!

Webex conferencing is now integrated with Zoho Calendar!

With this new feature, you can schedule Webex meetings directly from your Zoho Calendar and join them with just a single click. Once a conference is scheduled, it will be created in Webex, and the conference link will be sent to all attendees. Know more.

Display event title only to participants

Users can now choose to display the event title exclusively to participants when booking a room, providing enhanced privacy and greater control over event information. Explore!

Effortless scheduling with full group availability view

Now, when you invite a group to an event, you’ll see a complete availability overview for each participant. Instantly check who’s free or busy, making it simpler than ever to pick the perfect time. Check It Out!

New Free/Busy sharing controls!

As an admin, you now have the ability to manage how users share their free/busy status in Zoho Calendar. You can choose to limit sharing to organization members only or prevent sharing altogether. Know More.

Control access to shared calendars with new calendar sharing settings

Administrators now have greater control over calendar sharing, allowing you to decide with whom users can share their calendars and specify what information is visible when shared, offering complete flexibility in managing access and security. Learn More.

Effortless scheduling with full group availability view

Now, when you invite a group to an event, you’ll see a complete availability overview for each participant. Instantly check who’s free or busy, making it simpler than ever to pick the perfect time. Check It Out!

Set start and end times for Tasks

You can now set both start and end times when creating a personal task in Zoho Calendar, allowing for more precise scheduling and better tracking of your tasks. Know More.

Google Meet integration for seamless video conferencing

You can now start a Google Meet video conference directly from Zoho Calendar. With Google Meet integrated into Zoho Calendar, you can schedule and host virtual meetings without needing to switch between different platforms. Schedule, invite, and join your Google Meet meetings all within Zoho Calendar. Learn More.

Stay updated with Region-Wise and Religious Holidays on Zoho Calendar

Zoho Calendar now offers default region-wise and religious holiday calendars. You can easily subscribe to a calendar of your choice, and it will be added to your Zoho Calendar, allowing you to track holidays specific to your region or religion. Know More.

Haven’t tried these features yet? Dive in and see how they can transform your scheduling experience! 

We’ll be back with more updates to keep you in the loop on everything happening in Zoho Calendar. Until then, give these features a spin and let us know what you think! Your feedback helps us make Zoho Calendar even better.

Have a look at our detailed help guide on Zoho Calendar features and how to use them.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to an exciting year ahead!

That’s it for now. Happy scheduling, and see you in the next update!
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