Good day,
i would like to search our entire portal for a task using the API.
We have over 20k tasks so I dont to search for all tasks and then do a for each as it would take way to long and also would need to go over the limit of 200 records per query.
So from my understating we can use this API
GET /restapi/portal/[PORTALID]/search
But for some reason the doc on how to build the search is not present and tried a few thing and did not manage to get it to work. Always geting missing: {"error":{"code":6891,"message":"Given URL is wrong"}}
I also dont want to search in a single project.
So what I would like is be bale to search using the task prefix ID as mention here:
index | int | Index for search. |
range | int | Range for search. |
search_term | String | The search term can be name, prefix ID, description. Example: ZMA-T14 |
module | String | Module name is tasks.
If any one know how to form that query I would like to know.
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