Getting a join error on a query table that has always worked before

Getting a join error on a query table that has always worked before


I am getting a join error "Sorry, query execution failed as the columns used in the JOIN conditions might contain too many duplicate values. Please ensure that at-least one of the column used in JOIN condition contains unique values."

This is a query that previously worked and I have multiple reports pulling data on it. I haven't changed anything within the query. Suddenly, now reports that are dependent aren't able to populate data and when running the query I get the error statement listed above.

Is this a Zoho bug? If not, how do i resolve this issue?

max("payorauthorization"."AuthEntryDate") AS 'AuthEntryDate',
current_auth_rendered.AuthId AS 'AuthId',
cast(group_first("current_auth_rendered"."Weekly_Hours") as float) AS 'Weekly_Hours',
"current_auth_rendered"."AuthClientId" AS 'AuthClientId',
"current_auth_rendered"."YearWeek" AS 'YearWeek',
"current_auth_rendered"."Service_Desc" AS 'Service_Desc',
"current_auth_rendered"."Monday" AS 'Monday',
"current_auth_rendered"."CompositeKey" AS 'AuthCompositeKey',
"current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Compositekey" AS 'SPCompositeKey',
cast(avg("current_auth_rendered"."Authorized Hours") as float) AS 'Authorized Hours',
"current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours" AS 'Rendered Hours',
"current_auth_rendered"."sum_hours" AS 'sum_hours',
"clientpayor"."ClientPayorType" as "ClientPayorType",
"clientpayor"."IsCurrentPayor" as "IsCurrentPayor",
"clientpayor"."ClientPayorCompanyId" as "ClientPayorCompanyId",
"clientpayor"."ClientPayorPlanId" as "ClientPayorPlanId",
"contactprincipal"."PrincipalContactId" as "PS_ID",
"contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderFullName" as 'Program Supervisor',
"contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType" AS 'PrincipalProviderType',
IF("contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType"  = 'SuperSupervisor', 'Program Supervisor', IF("contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType"  = 'SpeechTherapist', 'Speech Language Pathologist', IF("contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType"  = 'SeniorConsultant', 'Occupational Therapist', ' '))) AS 'Supervision Position',
group_first("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."SP_start_yearweek") AS 'SP Start Week',
"current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."SP_end_yearweek" AS 'SP End Week',
if_null("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours", 0) as "Service Plan Hours",
if_null("Termination Date"."Termination Date", add_year(current_date(), 1)) as "Patient Termination Date",
if("current_auth_rendered"."Monday"  BETWEEN if_null("Start Date"."Start Date", '2017-01-01 00:00:00')  AND  if_null("Termination Date"."Termination Date", add_year(current_date(), 1)), 'Yes', 'No') as 'Active Patient',
if_null("Start Date"."Start Date", '2017-01-01 00:00:00') as "Patient Start Date",
"payorauthorization"."AuthId" AS 'AuthorizationId',
"payorplan"."payorname" AS 'PayorName',
"sp_sp_service_plans_leads_c"."sp_sp_service_plans_leadssp_sp_service_plans_idb" AS 'SP_id',
"payorauthorization"."Authorization Period" AS 'AuthorizationPeriod',
RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY "current_auth_rendered"."CompositeKey"  ORDER BY current_auth_rendered.AuthId DESC ) AuthRank,
RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY "current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Compositekey"  ORDER BY "sp_sp_service_plans"."sp_active_date" DESC ) SPRank,
IF(if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  <= 30, '30% and under', IF(if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  > 30
AND if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  <= 50, '50%', IF(if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  > 50
AND if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  <= 70, '70%', IF(if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  > 70
AND if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  <= 90, '90%', IF(if_null((sum("current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours") / sum("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours")), 0) * 100  > 90, 'Greater than 90%', 'Check'))))) AS 'Percent Bucket',
IF("current_auth_rendered"."Service_Desc"  = 'Behavioral Individual Therapy'
OR "current_auth_rendered"."Service_Desc"  = 'Behavioral Group Therapy', "current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours", 0) AS '1:1 and Group Rendered Hours',
IF("current_auth_rendered"."Service_Desc"  = 'Behavioral Supervision', "current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours", 0) AS 'Supervision Rendered Hours'
FROM  "current_auth_rendered"
JOIN "leads_cstm" ON "current_auth_rendered"."AuthClientId"  = "leads_cstm"."eo_id_c" 
INNER JOIN "sp_sp_service_plans_leads_c" ON "sp_sp_service_plans_leads_c"."sp_sp_service_plans_leadsleads_ida"  = "leads_cstm"."id_c" 
INNER JOIN "sp_sp_service_plans" ON "sp_sp_service_plans"."id"  = "sp_sp_service_plans_leads_c"."sp_sp_service_plans_leadssp_sp_service_plans_idb" 
INNER JOIN "current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1" ON "current_auth_rendered"."CompositeKey"  = "current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Compositekey" 
LEFT JOIN "contactprincipal" ON "current_auth_rendered"."AuthClientId"  = "contactprincipal"."PrincipalContactId"
AND "current_auth_rendered"."Monday"  >= "contactprincipal"."PrincipalStartDate"
AND "current_auth_rendered"."Monday"  <= "contactprincipal"."End Date" 
LEFT JOIN "Termination Date" ON "current_auth_rendered"."AuthClientId"  = "Termination Date"."ContactId" 
LEFT JOIN "Start Date" ON "Start Date"."ContactId"  = "current_auth_rendered"."AuthClientId" 
INNER JOIN "payorauthorization" ON "current_auth_rendered"."AuthId"  = "payorauthorization"."AuthId" 
INNER JOIN "timebilling" ON "current_auth_rendered"."AuthId"  = "timebilling"."TimeBillingAuthorizationId" 
INNER JOIN "clientpayor" ON "payorauthorization"."AuthPayorPlanId"  = "clientpayor"."ClientPayorPlanId"
AND "payorauthorization".AuthClientId  = "clientpayor".ClientId 
LEFT JOIN "payorplan" ON "payorplan"."payorplanid"  = "payorauthorization"."authpayorplanid" 
LEFT JOIN "leads" ON "leads"."id"  = "leads_cstm"."id_c"  
WHERE "clientpayor"."ClientPayorType"  = 'Primary'
 AND "clientpayor"."ClientPayorDeletedDate"  IS Null
 AND "current_auth_rendered"."Monday"  BETWEEN "ClientPayorCoverageStartDate"  AND  if_null("ClientPayorCoverageEndDate", add_year(current_date(), 2))
 AND "timebilling"."TimeBillingIsDeleted"  IS NULL
 AND "timebilling"."TimeBillingIsVoid"  IS NULL
GROUP BY "current_auth_rendered"."YearWeek",
"current_auth_rendered"."Rendered Hours",
if_null("current_bx_weekly_sp_hours1"."Service Plan Hours", 0),
if_null("Termination Date"."Termination Date", add_year(current_date(), 1)),
if("current_auth_rendered"."Monday"  BETWEEN if_null("Start Date"."Start Date", '2017-01-01 00:00:00')  AND  if_null("Termination Date"."Termination Date", add_year(current_date(), 1)), 'Yes', 'No'),
if_null("Start Date"."Start Date", '2017-01-01 00:00:00'),
IF("current_auth_rendered"."Service_Desc"  = 'Behavioral Individual Therapy', "current_auth_rendered"."Weekly_Hours", NULL),
"payorauthorization"."Authorization Period",
  IF("contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType"  = 'SuperSupervisor', 'Program Supervisor', IF("contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType"  = 'SpeechTherapist', 'Speech Language Pathologist', IF("contactprincipal"."PrincipalProviderType"  = 'SeniorConsultant', 'Occupational Therapist', ' '))) 
ORDER BY "current_auth_rendered"."Yearweek" 

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