Spruce Up Your Service Documents With Our Customizable PDF Templates

Spruce Up Your Service Documents With Our Customizable PDF Templates

In your business communications with your customers, you need to ensure that you maintain a consistent and professional look and feel for your service documents. Zoho FSM's customizable PDF templates will help you with this.

Suite of System-Defined Templates 

Zoho FSM offers three out-of-the box PDF templates: Standard, Spreadsheet, and Premium. You can either go for the classic appearance with the Standard template, opt for a tabular format with the Spreadsheet template, or add some flair with the Premium template.

Create Your Own Custom PDF Templates 

You can create custom PDF templates that suit your business needs and aesthetics by cloning an existing template. These templates can be customized by adding new sections, changing colors, fonts, and more. In Zoho FSM, PDF templates consist of one or more of seven types of sections, each offering varied customizable options. Don your PDF template with the garb of your choice!

Using the PDF Templates

You can use the PDF templates in the following places:
  • When you download or print a record from the Requests, Estimates, Work Orders, or Service Appointments modules, you can choose the template in which you want your data to be displayed.
  • While emailing estimates, you can choose the PDF template to be used for the Estimate PDF that you add as the attachment.
Please refer to the help documentation for details. Do feel free to leave a comment below or email us at support@zohofsm.com if you have any questions.