Tiny Tip Tuesday #38

Tiny Tip Tuesday #38

What's new in display logic?
In a previous tip, we've already discussed what logic means in a survey and how using logic conditions can help you gather the most accurate data possible. While there are different kinds of skip logic options available in Zoho Survey, we'll talk about the most recent update in this month's tip—Answer Display Logic.

Here's all you need to know:
  1. You can apply this display logic to answer fields (choices, 'Comments', and 'Not Applicable' fields).
  2. You can use this to display or hide answer fields based on various conditions.
  3. You can use this to hide choices when a customer wants to remove a certain answer from the survey form but wants to retain the responses.
  4. You can add multiple logic conditions using And/Or in a single question.
  5. If all the answer choices for a particular question are hidden after applying answer display logic, then that question will also be hidden.
  6. If the number of choices/rows/columns available are less than the required options (when the mandatory question option is enabled), then that question will be hidden.
Have you tried this feature yet? Let us know if you found it useful.
Watch this space for a new tip!