Tips and Tricks #38: Allow/Restrict print and download options for embedded files and folders

Tips and Tricks #38: Allow/Restrict print and download options for embedded files and folders

Hello everyone!

We hope you are all safe and sound.

One of WorkDrive's significant features is that it helps its users share content with anyone on the internet using embed codes on websites and blogs. You can learn how to create embed codes for files and folders here. You can create embed codes for all 160+ supported file types (including PDFs, images, and videos) in WorkDrive. 

You can only create one embed code for a file or folder, but you can add them to multiple websites or blogs. For instance, you can insert your organization's annual financial summary presentation on your website and in an email to your stakeholders just by adding the embed code of that file.

While doing so, your team admins can now allow or restrict download and print options for the embedded file. By toggling the ON and OFF button, you can allow or restrict the external users to download and print the embedded file from your website and emails.

Steps to set download and print permissions:
  1. Click on your Team Name in the top-left corner of your WorkDrive account.
  2. In the dropdown, select Admin Console, which will open the Admin Console page in a new tab.
  3. Select the Settings tab in the left panel to open it on the right and then select Sharing.
  4. Toggle ON/OFF right next to Allow download and print for embedded files and folders.

We hope you found these tips useful! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below or email us at

You can read our previous articles in the Tips and Tricks series here.