Tips and Tricks #45: Share data directly with external users using email addresses

Tips and Tricks #45: Share data directly with external users using email addresses

Hello everyone,

We hope you're finding our WorkDrive Tips and Tricks series useful. For tips on specific topics, leave a comment below, and we'll add it to our series. Let's get into this month's tip.

WorkDrive users can now share files and folders with external users using their email addresses. Suppose a company's marketing team wants to share marketing materials with their independent collaborators, such as social media partners or freelance writers. In that case, they can share it directly by adding their email addresses to the share field.

This includes transferring files with:
  • WorkDrive individual account users
  • WorkDrive users from different teams or organizations
  • Users who do not have a WorkDrive or Zoho account
This welcome addition to the rich sharing options already available in WorkDrive will make external data sharing more secure and convenient.

Users can pick one of the following access permissions for files and folders: Edit, View and comment, and View.

Here's how it works:

  • Choose the file you want to share and click on Share at the top toolbar. The Share dialog box will open.
  • In the address field, enter the email addresses for the contacts you want to share the files with.
  • Choose the access level you want to provide to them and click Share.

  • Only files in Zoho's native format (i.e., Zoho Writer, Zoho Sheet, and Zoho Show) can be edited.
You can see how to share files and folders externally from Team Folders and My Folders from their respective help articles.

We hope you find these tips helpful! If you have any questions, please ask us in the comments below or email us at