Tip #12: Add Groups to a Team Folder

Tip #12: Add Groups to a Team Folder

Hello everyone,

We hope you're finding our WorkDrive Tips and Tricks series helpful.

For today's tip, we'll teach you how to save time and simplify user management in WorkDrive using Groups.

Let's say you've created a new Team Folder for an upcoming project that deals with sales and marketing activities. Wouldn't it be perfect if you could add the entire sales and marketing team members in one go instead of adding each member individually?
If your team or organization uses Groups in WorkDrive, save time by quickly adding an entire group to a Team Folder and assigning the group a specific role (Admin, Organizer, Editor, Commenter, or Viewer). This way, you can utilize Groups to simplify the user management.

Here's how you can add groups:
  1. Navigate to the left pane and click your Team Folder to open it on the right side of your screen.
  2. Click the  button at the top of your screen and select Members.
    The Members tab will appear.

  3. Click ADD MEMBERS.

  4. Enter the Group name you want to add.
  5. Assign a Team Folder role and click ADD.
Tip: You can also share files with a group and assign the group a specific file access level instead of sharing the files with each member individually. Learn more about sharing files with groups.

We hope you find this tip helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below or email us at support@zohoworkdrive.com.

Stay tuned for more useful tips every week from Zoho WorkDrive!

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