Zoho Creator Upcoming Updates - February 2024

Zoho Creator Upcoming Updates - February 2024

Hello All!

Building on the momentum of the previous year, where we introduced a range of significant features, we're excited to kick-off 2024 with another set of important updates:
  • System integrations
  • Client actions in Kanban, Timeline, and Calendar reports
  • Focus task
  • XLS deprecation
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System integrations 
Behind the scenes, many of Zoho Creator's vital features are provided by seamless integration with other Zoho services, providing you with a smooth and efficient user experience. These behind-the-scenes linkages ensure you're always getting the best features from us.
Now, we'll be lifting the veil on these integrations with the launch of System Integration, which will provide Super Admins with a one-stop shop for viewing and managing integrations and ensuring a smooth and hassle-free integration experience between various Zoho services.
Presently, when using a feature from another Zoho service for the first time, it must be created by the Super Admin in Creator. So, when a 'Developer' attempts to create a pivot chart (provided by Analytics), they will get an error message saying they don't have permission to do it. This is the kind of scenario we aim to address with the new System Integrations page. The Super Admin can now navigate to this page and manage integrations.

Our goals are twofold: first, to foster transparency by providing visibility into which features are offered by which Zoho service, and secondly, to offer the Super Admin an easy way to manage these integrations.
Which services are covered?
The integrations with the following Zoho services can be managed from the System Integrations page:
How to access it
Once the feature is rolled out, you can navigate to Operations under Manage and click System Integrations.
You'll then be shown a list of the system integrations. Navigate to the required services and click the Enable button.

How do I benefit?
The introduction of System Integrations as a centralized hub for managing system integrations simplifies oversight, promotes efficiency, and streamlines the integration process.
Applicable for: C5, C6
Availability: All DCs
Released on: 06-Feb-24
Reference: Understand System Integrations
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Client tasks in Kanban, Timeline and Calendar reports

To elevate the functionality of our Kanban, Timeline and Calendar reports, we're introducing the capability to trigger client actions after a successful submission, similar to the functionality available in list reports.


Going forward, you can use Deluge scripts to configure actions—such as displaying information, triggering alert messages, or redirecting to URLs.
Note: These client actions will only be available on On create/on edit record events and on successful submission form events.


How do I benefit?

This enhancement increases the usability, flexibility, and efficiency of these reports, thereby improving overall workflow management and user experience.


Applicable for: C5, C6

Availability: All DCs

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Focus task
We'll be introducing a new Deluge task to enhance your form-filling experience. With this feature, you can now specify a field where the focus (insertion pointer or cursor) should be positioned either while loading the form or during user input.
The focus Deluge task will prove to be highly beneficial for expediting data entry, especially for users employing scanners with web applications. Notably, this task is applicable across all devices, including web, mobile, and tablet.
For a field in the main form: 
focus <field_link_name>;

For a field in a subform:
focus row.<subform_field_lin_name>;

Use case
Let's consider a scenario in a retail environment, where a web-based barcode scanner is being used to process inventory. With focus tasks, after each scan is completed, the system can automatically set the focus to the desired input field for the next scan. This eliminates the need to manually select the required field between each scan.
How do I benefit?
This functionality aims to streamline your interactions with forms, ensuring a smoother and accelerated data entry experience.
Applicable for: C5, C6
Availability: All DCs
Released on: 29-Feb-24
Reference: Focus
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XLS deprecation 
In our continued efforts to improve performance and enhance security, we are deprecating support for the XLS format and transitioning to the XLSX format. This transition brings several benefits across the board.
To ensure you have a hassle-free experience, we'll seamlessly update from XLS to XLSX format in your scripts from our end. Sit back, relax, and let our system manage the conversion wherever the deprecated format is encountered!

For example, in send mail tasks, the Deluge script may contain statements to attach a report as an XLS attachment and the script will continue to work as usual. 

Note: One notable behavior change that comes with this transition pertains to exporting using the XLSX format with password protection. Previously, XLS supported an in-file password, whereas for XLSX, we will encrypt it using the zip format.
Applicable for: C5, C6
Availability: All DCs
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That wraps up this month's updates. Stay tuned for notifications on the rollout of these features—and feel free to share your thoughts on these updates in the comments below!
The Zoho Creator Team

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