Tips and Tricks #24: Three ways to declutter your cloud storage

Tips and Tricks #24: Three ways to declutter your cloud storage

Hello everyone!
We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. 
Today's post is about how you can organize your team files and folders to ensure easy access to information. In case you haven't read our previous articles in our WorkDrive Tips and Trick series, you can find them here.
Digital clutter can slow down your team's productivity and have a direct effect on your storage space as well. Here are three tips to help you manage your storage efficiently. 

Move your files to folders

When you have multiple minds working on the same project, ensure all their work is saved under a single roof. Create Team Folders or sub-folders based on your needs and add the relevant members to it. This way, you can find all files related to a particular project in a single place. 

Use file versioning

Blog draft, Blog final, Blog final_v1, Blog final_v2... Look familiar?
I'm sure we have all created multiple copies of the same document to save different versions. Now imagine every member in your team doing the same, at the same time. This is exactly how digital clutter starts. 
With WorkDrive's file versioning feature, you can manage, save, and revert to previous versions without creating multiple files. The file versioning feature not only helps teams avoid duplications, but makes it easier to refer to their previous work without losing new updates.


Add a structure to your storage

With WorkDrive's Data Templates, you can classify and organize your team files and folders to build a structured data repository. Create templates based on how you want to organize your WorkDrive files and associate those templates to files and folders when you upload them. This makes it easier for your team to spot the information they need without wasting any time. 

And here's an bonus tip for you all!

Delete, reorganize, and repeat

Make a regular habit of going through old files and trash unwanted or duplicate information from your system. Maintaining an organized cloud storage system requires constant effort and a periodic check as to how you structure your storage. You need to regularly monitor your folder structure to ensure quick access to information, if not reorganize the structure. 
We hope you found these tips useful! If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments below or contact WorkDrive support.

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Stay tuned for more useful tips every week from Zoho WorkDrive!