Cant create task using API call

Cant create task using API call

Im unable to create a task. It appears that the API needs TaskListId, but Im not sure where this comes from. 
Is it something I need to generate separately?

<form method="post" action=""> 
Project Id<input type="text" name="projId" value="f59d9d345b0d54b3ddf10843d0bb5939583c566f3625e7d9">
Owner<input type="text" name="personresponsible" value="0c9f4bc02ccca5ba">(loginid/userid)
TaskListId<input type="text" name="listId" value="12345">
Task Name<input type="text" name="todotask" value="test from api">
Task Date<input type="text" name="taskdate" value="05-3-2012">(date format MM-dd-yyyy)
Percent complete<input type="text" name="pcomplete" value="10">
Duration<input type="text" name="duration" value="0">
Priority<input type="text" name="priority" value="None">(None/Low/High/Medium)
<input type="submit" value="Add New Task">