What we are looking for is effectively a type of solicitors client management software. We need to be able to load new clients holding name address and other details together with any scanned or emailed documents, and then send emails to the client and the referrer of the client to acknowledge receipt. We need to be able to hold underneath each client records of every legal matter that they send us, the names of the parties, the details of the legal adviser, a summary of the case, we need to be able to hold scanned or emailed documents against the file we need to record time spent on the file make notes of telephones calls with the client or the other side we need to be able to set a date from a drop down menu for when the next activity is due and be able to record any key dates for hearings or deadlines and they need to come through into the diary and alert us every morning. we need to be able to report to the client on the cases we hold for them, their status and progress. we need to be able to track the progress of the case by being able to have a drop down menu of current statuses and another similar of the next activity and when it is due. The software should be similar to (but not as complex as)http://www.goclio.com/signup/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=solicitor-uk&gclid=COH6sOCy2bUCFYfJtAodtjQA6Q
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