I like your service very much. It is probably on the the best sofwware for invoicing I have ever seen. Moreover, I think that Zoho Invoivce is the most advanced from the user experience perspective among other Zoho App.
But there is one UX thing missing!
In you iPhone mobile app in the dashboards you have “Income and Expense” diagram. And the “Payments” bar is missing. The Income ans Expense diagram shows the amount of money invoiced and the expenses. How come?
I do not understnad your logic behind this diagram in your mobile app.
Where is Payments diagram? Aren't payments more important than the amount invoiced?
Please see below is the diagram from your desktop app and it contains the Payment received bar.
I already raised the issue many times. My first message to your support about this point was several years ago! And still nothing. I understand, you have other priorities.
For whom is the mobile app developed? I think for managers, not for regular staff. So what can be more useful for a manager than to see the amount of money paid? And this is just impossible.
Please finally add simply one more bar (Payments) to the chart.