Exciting enhancements for the Canvas Builder!

Exciting enhancements for the Canvas Builder!

Hello Users!
We're excited to announce the latest enhancements to Zoho CRM's Canvas Builder, taking your customization experience to new heights. Discover the following feature upgrades and improvements, designed to empower you with even more flexibility and control over your CRM design:
  • Tab component enhancement
  • Builder zoom feature
  • Radius handlers
  • Width/height indicator
  • Builder UX/UI improvements
  • Tool usability improvements
Let's explore these exciting additions in more detail.

Tab component enhancement

You can now effortlessly customize the orientation of tabs, in addition to editing tab names, placing tab icons, and taking advantage of improved tab navigation controls. 
  • Easily configure tab orientation; choose from options like horizontal top, horizontal bottom, vertical left, and vertical right.

  • Edit tab names by double-clicking and save your changes by pressing the Enter key.
  • Move tab icons to the top or left using the tab item context menu.
  • Merge or split tab navigation icons for better control.

Builder zoom feature

The zoom feature in the Canvas Builder enables you to adjust the zoom level of the builder area, providing you with more control over the visibility and precision of your design. Here are the various methods you can use to zoom in and out:
  • Pinch zoom: If you're using a touch-enabled device, such as a trackpad or touchscreen, you can use a multi-touch gesture known as pinch zoom. Simply place two fingers on the screen and move them closer together to zoom in or further apart to zoom out. 
  • Command + mouse wheel: For Mac users, you can hold the command key while scrolling the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Windows users can achieve the same effect by holding the control key and scrolling the mouse wheel. 
  • Command + plus (+): Another keyboard shortcut available is using the command key on Mac (or control key on Windows) along with the plus (+) key to zoom in. 
  • Command + minus (-): Similarly, by using the command key on Mac (or control key on Windows) along with the minus (-) key, you can zoom out. 
  • Zoom dropdown: The Canvas Builder also provides a convenient zoom dropdown menu accessible from the canvas-top-container. This dropdown menu offers predefined zoom options that you can select directly, such as 50% (50% of default page size), 100% (default page size), 200% (200% of default page size), and fit to screen (fitting the screen width of the art board).

Radius handlers

Customize section corners in your design with the help of four circular radius helpers. These helpers enable you to achieve rounded corners for a visually appealing and modern look.
To adjust or update the radius, simply drag the corresponding radius helper towards the inside of the section. By dragging the handler, you can easily increase or decrease the radius value, giving you fine-grained control over the corner curves.

Furthermore, you can apply the same radius value to all sides of the section to ensure a consistent and uniform look. Alternatively, you can set individual sides to have different radius values, allowing for more creative and customized corner designs.

Width/height indicator

The width/height indicator enhances your precision in the Canvas Builder by providing you with precise measurements when selecting fields or components (except icons). When you select a field or component, a width/height indicator will be displayed below the selected box.

This indicator shows you the exact width and height measurements of the selected element, enabling you to have accurate and precise control over the size and dimensions of your components. 

Builder UX/UI improvements

The UX/UI improvements in the Canvas Builder create a more visually appealing, organized, and user-friendly environment.
  • Enhanced visual experience: Enjoy a more visually appealing experience with the introduction of new colors for background, border, and text elements. These new color options provide you with more customization choices, allowing you to create stunning and unique designs.

  • Improved style tab: The style tab has been enhanced with the addition of tool containers, providing a more organized and streamlined interface. Furthermore, when hovering over the tool containers, you'll notice highlighting effects that make it easier to identify and select the desired tool.

  • Updated slider tool UI: The slider tool UI has undergone updates to improve its usability. These updates ensure a smoother and more intuitive experience when working with sliders, making it effortless to adjust values and settings.
  • Advanced color picker: The color picker now offers advanced functionality. When dragging or changing colors in the picker, the selected element's color value is instantly updated. This allows you to preview and fine-tune colors in real time, making it easier to achieve the perfect color scheme for your CRM customization.

Tool usability improvements

In order to enhance the usability of the tools within Canvas Builder, we've introduced the following features:
  • Drag text in the input boxes: When working with text elements, you can now easily adjust input values by dragging text inside the input boxes directly. This feature enables you to modify the text measurement in either pixels or percentage.

  • Increase and decrease input value: To modify an input value, you can drag text in different directions within an input box. By dragging it towards the right or top, you can increase the value. Conversely, dragging it towards the left or bottom will decrease the value. This intuitive interaction makes it effortless to fine-tune the measurements of your elements.
  • Instant style updates: When making changes to the selected element's properties—such as adjusting the input value—you will experience instant style updates. This means that as you drag the text or modify the input value, the appearance of the selected element will be updated in real time, enabling you to visualize changes and make precise adjustments to achieve the desired look and feel.
Points to remember
  • Some keyboard shortcuts mentioned may vary depending on your operating system.
That's all for these enhancements. Please give them a try and let us know your thoughts and feedback in the comments below. 

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