I've just ask help to the customer support, but I'm trying and see if anyone out there can help me.
Since our fiscal year coincides with the solar year, on 1st Jan. 2015 our fiscal year is changed.
Today, we tried to produce our 2015 first invoice, just to discover that apparently the invoice numbering doesn't restart.
Last year, our invoicing numbering system was:
(Prefix)_currentyear_-_invoicenumber_ (which is sort of mandatory in Italy).
That's to say: 2014-001, 2014-002, etc.
This new fiscal year should be the same, so we need to change the prefix (from now on: 2014 --> 2015), and restart the numbering. That's to say that the 2015 first invoice should be 2015-001. Of course we don't want to change the prefix _currentyear_ in all the invoices of 2014.
How we can achieve such a system, using Invoice?
Kind Regards,
Fabio Fellini