Note: As on 8th March 2021, we have enabled product line item customization for all users. API support for the changes done to this subform like adding new fields, removing fields and editing field properties is available in version 2.1 only.
We are opening the feature in a phased manner for Enterprise and above editions from 1st Feb, 2021. In the beginning we will only convert the Product details section to a subform, following which customization of the subform will be provided.
Hello everyone,
We are excited to announce this year's first much awaited update: Customization of the Product Details section in Inventory.
The Product Details section helps to add products, specify the quantity and estimate total cost, tax, enter adjustments etc. We have been working to expand the overall functionality of this section to offer more benefits and give the power of customization.
What does this enhancement offer?
Changing the product details section into a subform will allow the users to customize the section according to their business needs. They can do the following modifications to the product details:
Add or remove fields
For example, custom fields to store stock details, billing and other related information can be added to the subform.
Modify the field properties
For example, fields can be made mandatory if needed.
Change existing formula expressions
For example, you can exclude tax from the total value.
Insert aggregate and formula fields
For example, calculation of selling prices, discounted values, cost prices and other complex data can be done.
Include more fields
Total number of fields that can be added to a subform has been increased from 8 to 10 and the maximum number of aggregate fields that can be added is increased to 10, earlier it was 5. This is applied to all the subforms across modules.
Note: The calculations in the Tax and Discount fields will not undergo any change.
Other related changes that you will notice
In addition to this, there are a few more changes that will take place as a result of modifying the product detail section in to a subform.
Product Details section label changes: The "Product details" section in the inventory modules (Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices) will be renamed to 'Quoted items, 'Ordered items, 'Purchased items' and 'Invoiced items' respectively as same names cannot be used for subforms across modules.
Products module permission to add products: Currently, users can associate products to the inventory modules even if they do not have the view permission for the Products module. Going forward, users must have view permission for the products module they can associate products.
Inventory modules in reports: Currently, you can generate reports with Products module as primary and Inventory modules as secondary. After this enhancement, inventory modules will not be listed under secondary modules. You can create similar reports by selecting the desired inventory module as the primary module and the respective subform as the secondary module.
Existing reports will have no changes. You can view the reports except you cannot clone or edit those reports.
Changes for the Portal users: The portal users must be given permission to view the "Unit price" field in the products module to view the price details of the products. Also, the portal users must have view permission for products modules along with inventory modules to associate products.
Anumita Gupta