We know that some of you have been waiting for this feature. Yes, Notebook now supports Private Sharing, where you can share notes with only the people you want.
Private Sharing allows you, the account owner, to share notes securely with people you trust… and only them.
To Share a note:
1. Open a note.
2. Click/Tap on the “Add User” icon placed on the action tool bar.
3. Click/Tap “Add Members"
4. Enter the email address or mobile number of users you want to share the note with.
5. Select the user from the suggestion list or press “Enter.”
6. Click/Tap “Share.”
7. An email will be sent to selected users with a link to open the note.
To view all the notes shared with you:
1. Open the Notebook app.
2. Click/Tap “Shared with me” to view all notes shared to you.
3. Open a note and tap on the user icon to see who shared the note with you.
(Note: Overall search results in Notebook will also include notes shared with you)
You can unshare a note if you do not wish to view it under “Shared with me.: