In alignment-meetings with teams it is very handy to go over all open tasks within projects to discuss & have further (status)updates and at same time edit or update tickets/tasks.
Instead of opening each task (under the TaskLines) and edit/update each opened task in a seperate window/page, it would be extremely handy (and time-winning) to have a sideview (half page) next to the list of tasks under all TaskLines (as in a preview of a selected mail in a mail-client, or as it works in Jira) where you have :
- left half page = all open TaskLines withing project
- right half page = preview of selected task
So when going over each (or a few) tasks in update-meetings (remote or onsite with a team), would be handy to have this view-option =>
- regular view "Classic" (as is today)
- "Task-preview" = half-page on the right (see screenshot below cfr. Task-details)
This is like going over issues/tickets in Jira in sprints where you have on the right-half-screen a preview of a selected issue/ticket which you can edit at same time (is same idea).
Could this be done in Zoho Projects too? (i guess lot of project-managers, team-managers and all Zoho Projects users would love this option).
If that could be done, this would give a lot of time-win for a lot of users who regularly update issues/tasks !
Best regards,