does anyone know how to create a way to select multiple items to create one item on an invoice? exapmle below:
i am using Zoho to create estimates / invoices for my customers - i sell building materials
doors - 1 hollow core door needs: jambset - door slab - hinges
possible issue - door slabs have 15 different possible sizes and jambset's have 5 different sizes.
the final product needs to look something like: Hollow Core door - style = Roman - 3/0 6/8 - 4-9/16" jambs - satin nickel hings.
each item in the sku of the building of the door has an associated price catagory - this will only work for me if i can select the jamb size, then the hinge color, then the door slab type, then door slab size, etc. the have Zoho produce a one line item with the subotal of that item.
jambs - $25.00
Hinge color - Satin Nickel
Door slab type - Roman = $25.00
door slab size - 3/0 6/8
subtotal $50.00
Thanks in advance