Terrible Customer Support experiences with Zoho the norm

Terrible Customer Support experiences with Zoho the norm

I've been using Zoho for several years and my experiences has been:
  1. Even when we describe the issue clearly, Zoho Support's first response will ALWAYS be to provide far more detailed information, or to create a video recording of us reproducing the error, or to have a call with a support person. They have never simply investigated the issue independently or provided a solution as a first response.
  2. Even when we are able to clearly demonstrate something that is objectively not working, Zoho Support never admits any fault with the system, never provides a potential solution or a timeline. They simply say that the system is not built to handle such a case. Some examples:
    1. Using Zoho Survey, if you create a Matrix (Single Answer) field with a long list of questions, with a mix of short and long queries, the buttons do not line up with the questions. This is inexplicable and an objective problem with the system. We've been told the system is simply not designed to handle questionnaires of this type.
    2. Using Zoho Survey, I created a form that uses Page Skip logic. The field that defines the Page Skip logic is on the first page of the form, and the pages that need to be skipped are later on in the survey. However, no matter what I do, the pages in the form are not skipped, and they appear for everyone. Even though Zoho documentation clearly states - and the system allows - that you use fields from previous pages in the form, the solutions provided, in order are:
      1. I'm using Page Skip Logic wrong. [I respond and demonstrate that I'm not.]
      2. I'm using Page Skip Logic wrong. [I respond and demonstrate that I'm not.]
      3. I'm using Page Skip Logic wrong. [I respond and demonstrate that I'm not.]
      4. The Page Skip Logic should only involve questions from the same form page, and not from a previous page. [I show in Zoho's help documentation that this should not be the case. I point out that the form itself allows me to select Page Skip Logic items from previous pages. I also point out that using items from previous pages is perfectly sensible, and an industry standard for this type of function.]
      5. The Page Skip Logic can involve items from previous pages, but only if it also includes at least one item form the same page. [I point out again that this contradicts Zoho's own help documentation, that the form itself allows me to use items from previous pages without using items from the same page, and that this stated solution makes no sense whatsoever based on industry standards for this type of function.]
My only conclusions are that:
  1. The people in Zoho Support are idiots, or simply non-technical people who have no practical knowledge of the systems they are supposed to support with,
  2. That Zoho Support has set up a culture or a service algorithm that requires this type of response, which is extremely frustrating, time consuming and unhelpful,
  3. That Zoho Support is completely overwhelmed and unable to actually provide real functional solutions.
This is a chronic, constant issue, and in a system that routinely fails in numerous ways, drowning in its own complexity, it is the most frustrating and stupid service I've ever used.
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        A better clarity so you can create other users to start using Zoho Mail. You can directly Add Users from the Control Panel to your Organization. You can invite users with the existing email address. If the person (user) already uses ZohoCRM, then you can import users from Zoho CRM. You can also import them using a .csv file. (if you are planning to add them in Bulk)  In this topic, We will be discussing on how to Add and Invite users only.  The Import options are self explanatory. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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