Google Code Repository
Please feel free to fork it/ improve it / extend it / etc...
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It does not yet include any of the time tracking API methods. It's on my todo list, I just haven't found the time (and I don't know about anyone else, but I have trouble getting my users to log their time anyway).
Example Code:
- <?php
- require_once 'Zoho.class.php';
- // instantiate the class
- $zoho = new Zoho('[username]','[password]');
- //create a new project
- $project = $zoho->addProject('Test Project','This is a test of the project API');
- //Get the project ID
- $projID = $project->response->result->ProjectDetails[0]->ProjectDetail->project_id;
- // add a milestone
- $milestone = $zoho->addMilestone($projID,'Milestone Name');
- // get the ID of the milestone we just created.
- $mID = $milestone->response->result->MilestoneDetails[0]->MilestoneDetail->MS_id;
- // add a tasklist to the milestone we just created.
- $tlist = $zoho->addTasklist($projID,'New Tasklist',$mID,'internal','active');
- // get the id of the tasklist we just created
- $tlistID = $tlist->response->result->TaskListDetails[0]->TaskListDetail->todolist_id;
- // add a task to the tasklist, starting now, owned by the user.
- $task = $zoho->addTask($projID,$tlistID,'This is a test task');
- ?>