Can I Compile Mobile app for Zoho Commerce
I am creating a online portal for my business using Zoho Commerce. I have a doubt tht i can able to compile my Zoho commerce online site as Android App and place it in play store. Please reply asap. This is standing as stopper in the development.
Hide Empty Cart
I was looking for a way to hide the shopping cart icon when the cart is empty. I couldn't find my answer online and reached out to support. They offered the following code, which works great. I wanted to add it here, in case it may help someone else.
Unable to customize product pages in site builder
I am currently creating a website for my business. Using site builder i am able to do customization for the homepage alone. If I click other menu options ie vegetables is one of the menu. I am not able to do any customization. The problem is image size is big i want to reduce. I am struggling to do. Can you help me how to do it.
Razorpay and PayU payment gateway for Zoho commerce are not onboarding new merchants
I understand that Razorpay and PayU payment gateway are no longer onboarding new customers due to regulatory compliance issues. However, these payment gateways are still available in Zoho Commerce, leading to confusion among new customers like me who
Zoho commerce is broken!
The add to car button is broken, it does nothing. Help please.
Cart page
I want to change the text on this page...
Remove Store Menu (category) from Home Menu
Hi, I find that Mega Menu is helpful feature and has many advantage. After using it, I need to remove the traditional default store menu from menu bar. I go to me Menus setup but there is no option to remove it. Is there any solution in this case?
Can you add products with pricing based on a formula?
I am looking at adding products for a client that include made-to-measure curtains. So we need to be able to have the user enter a measurement in millimeters in a text box (along with other variations and attributes), and using a formula it will calculate
I have problems importing products on my Zoho commerce online store as most of the products could not be imported due to the following reasons 1. "product URL should be unique oral B toothbrush already exist". 2. "invalid value passed for UPC". 3. "attribute
Disabling order cancellation option
How to restrict customer from cancelling an item in an zoho commerce order?
Using gift vouchers
We would like to be able to offer a limited number of gift vouchers, of varying values, to our customers, and are looking for the best way to do this. We have looked at Coupons and Gift Certificates, but neither seem to fit the bill perfectly. Coupons:
Change standard text strings?
Hi Folks - I'd like to be able to change the text "Add to cart" that appears in both the list and details view to "Buy now". For the life of me I can't figure out where to do that - can someone point me in the right direction?
Change standard text strings?
Hi Folks I'd like to change the "Add to Cart" button text to "Buy Now". For the life of me I can't see where to do that. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
Zoho eCommerce frontend
Questions about the Zoho eCommerce frontend 1) can different frontends (websites) be used? Zoho eCommerce is the backend with 3 or more websites. 2) how can the Zoho eCommerce frontend be customized to better fit Responsive Breackpoints? thanks best regards
How do I change standard text strings (eg "Add to cart")
Hi I'd like to be able to change some of the standard text strings in a template. Specifically I want to change the "View details" button on the product list to "Buy now", the "Add to cart" button on a product to "Add to basket", and the "View cart" button
Zoho Commerce hangs at checkout
Zoho commerce hangs on checkout at the first page when contact details are entered into the first screen making it unusable. Anyone else have this issue? Any fixes?
Error when logging into Zoho Commerce as client
The log-in page for my clients has an error, shown in the image below. All of my clients are experiencing this problem. Do you know if it can be fixed from zoho´s side? Also, we have had the problem below for quite a while. I hope somebody can help!
Zoho Commerce Product Download
While downloading the products from Zoho Commerce, in the excel file the variant image links which we are getting is something like: But the resolution of the image is
Checkout form customization
Hey there, I am testing commerce and it seems to be a good platform. I am wondering if customization of the checkout fields is possible? For example, the standard checkout form asks for an email address. Would it be possible removing this? I would also
Dear Zoho Commerce Team, many Zoho Commerce users in some Zoho Commerce threads are asking very loudly the same: due to EU regulations we need a VAT ID in the Zoho Commerce framework. (
Related products & AI product recommendations through commerce API.
Hello Zoho team I’m looking to add related products and AI product recommendations to my Zoho Commerce webshop with custom storefront. Is this supported through the API? And if not, is this on your roadmap? Thanks in advance David
Product AddOn and Linking
How do I link other products to a product in Commerce? If a User views an item, I want to display the Service Warranty proruct and other items. How do I link Zoho Subscriptions to an item? I want to display them as an additional add-on. Thank You
Newly created pages should not automatically appear in the top-level menu of a Commerce site. It should only appear there as a result of a proactive step taken from the backend..
On more than one occasion I've found pages that were either half built or never intended for public consumption directly accessible from the main menu of my site. This should never be automatic simply because a page was created, and should always require
Zoho Commerce plugins or add-ons
Hi. As a Zoho Commerce user for more than one year, I still see basic features that this platform is not offering: digital products, more than one offline payment method, gift cards,... And of course integrations with 3rd party apps is almost non-existing.
Zoho commerce product import
Is it possible to import products with images in Zoho commerce?
Questions About Zoho Commerce Member Portal
Hello, A couple questions about the Zoho Commerce Member Portal: 1. Can I add only specific pages be added to the Members Portal, and not the entire website? 2. When a customer signs up on my Zoho Commerce site, is there a setting that gives me a chance
Kennzeichnung "Neuer Artikel" im Shop
Wie kennzeichnet man einen neuen Artikel im Shop. Ich hatte ein Badge erwartet.
Accessories, add ons and related products
Is it not possible to add your own choice of accessories, add ons and related products to each product for cross marketing?
Shipping Labels - How to customize?
Zoho Commerce Team: How can we print shipping labels for the orders processed through Zoho Commerce? I want to print shipping labels 4 orders in a simultaneously fashion... how can this be accomplished? Please share inputs....
Zoho Commrce
Hi i would like to ask some question: 1. Can i block the shop for new customers ? I want it to be opened for existing customers only ? 2. Can we customize the theme by ourselves (colors , logos ...) ? 3. Cause we sell to B2B business , we want to charge
Domain not working with Cloudflare
I have mapped my domain as per the instructions Zoho provided but it is not working. I attached my DNS records and forwarding rule in Cloudflare to check for any errors.
Out of Stock Products
On the store certain products stock do gets exhausted leading to out of stock situation. How does the customer gets notified when the products are back in stock?
Adding Products to Cart with Customizable Quantity Slots
Description: I would like to suggest an enhancement for Zoho Commerce that would allow users to add products to the cart using customizable quantity slots. Currently, when a product has a specified packaging quantity, such as 10 pieces, and I want to
Button to add product to cart
Is there a way to have a button on a page, that when clicked, will add Qty 1 of a product to the cart?
Adding product filter
Hello Trying to add a category product filter, but does not seem to be working / can't get it to work as I would expect. What (I think) should happen: Set up the category filter. Settings -> Product Filter -> Add a new filter -> and I've added a filter
How safe is zoho commerce? - Website Hacking
Team: Please explain how safe is zoho commerce site against potential hacking?
Special price
What do you think to add "On Sale" field for quickly create Special Price Collection? See screenshot for better understand.
Learning how to customize templates via code and best practices
Hi! Our developers team want to learn how to edit our template files safely. The last time we messed with these files our site went down for a day and we had to reconfigure it from scratch. What are the best practices to do this? How can we get a template
Build Your Own Online Storefront With Zoho Commerce
Zoho Commerce is a powerful and cost-efficient e-commerce software solution for small or medium businesses that offer a robust platform for all e-commerce functions. It can be used for website creation, online sales and order management, product management,
Zoho products not talking to each other
Team We have both zoho books and zoho commerce subscription. When there is unused credit it the customer name, natural expectation is that it should be reflected in zoho commerce, when the customer places the next order. Unfortunately this is not the
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