Adding subform columns while creating a new report component
I have created a form for adding inventory purchases. To add multiple entries, I have created a subform. The form is working fine. However, while creating a new report component it is not allowing me to create a dashboard using subform columns. PL h
Anchor tag in ZOHO Creator HTML Page
Hi, I was trying to add Anchor tag in ZOHO Creator page but it seems it is not working correctly . When I click on anchor link it jumps to the location but instantly the entire page is reloading . That is not something anchor tag should be . It should only jump to specific location not reloading the page. I tried below <a href="#FlightTool">Flight Tool</a> <a name="FlightTool"></a> Did anyone try the same ? Thanks Arfater
[Live Knowledge Sharing Session] Ask the Experts: All you need to know about Building Relationships in Creator
Hello Everyone, We are immensely happy to be letting you know that we are back with our Live Community Discussion series: 'Ask the Experts'. The topic we will be addressing in this series is 'Building Relationships in Zoho Creator'. We have formulated
comment avoir une version française de l'application hotel management
les différentes rubriques de l'application sont en anglais, pour mon hotel j'ai besoin d'une version traduite en français, comment l'avoir? merci d'avance.
In App Auto Refresh/Update Features
Hi, I am trying to use Zoho Creator for Restaurant management. While using the android apps, I reliased the apps would not auto refresh if there is new entries i.e new kitchen order ticket (KOT) from other users. The apps does received notification but would not auto refresh, users required to refresh the apps manually in order to see the new KOT in the apps. I am wondering why this features is not implemented? Or is this feature being considered to be implemented in the future? With the
Date field on iPhone
Hi guys, I'm getting reports from my users that they can't type a date into a date field - they are forced to select from the calendar. This seems only to happen on IOS. This is a problem when trying to quickly input dates of birth. Some of them are scrolling
Creator: Record Templates
When creating Record Templates within Zoho Creator, it asks the user to select the form it's based on ("Based on the form" see #7 here: My question is, what if I just want
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Creator Tech Connect - Deluge Built-In functions with Use-case and Cloud Function
Hello Everyone! Gear up for our next session in Creator Tech Connect Series! About Creator Tech Connect Series Creator's tech connect series would comprise of pure technical sessions in which we delve deep into key essentials and technical nuances while
how to calculate a Year, Month and Days from DOB
Hi, How to calculate a Year, Month and Days from DOB For example: DOB = 30-May-1995 Date = 22-Jun-2019 output like: Year - 24 Month - 0 Days - 23
Pivot table reports stuck on regeneration
Hi, All my pivot tables have been stuck showing "regenerating" for 24hrs. All tables are now only showing partial data. There are only 4000 records in the entire database so not a lot of data at all. Problem is we need to report on that data TODAY! I
Mobile Popup Form: How to close upon submit?
I made a short video showing where we're stuck. On mobile, how can I make a popup form closeout of the browser upon submitting? Not sure if that's even possible. In a perfect world, we'd like the popup to close out and/or be sent back to the Detail View
Creator Subforms Question
Should every subform I create be it's own form? I can either add a subform directly within the main form OR make it it's own form and then add it as a subform in the main form. Are there any major pros/cons to these options? I keep getting the feeling
Zoho Writer Merage Template and send for the sign by the API
Tips & Trick - Zoho Writer API Hello All, How to Create a Merage Template inside Zoho Writer. Enter Field.... //...........Get Mearge Field Data <response> = zoho.writer.getMergeFields(<document_id>, <connection>); //...........Create Map........... writermap
Customer Portal and Field-level Permissions
Under Settings, Users & Permissions, 1 of the 4 menu options is "Field Permissions" Under Customer Portal, I see no such option. My question is "Can I control Field Permissions for Portal users the same way that I set Field Permissions for Users? Thank-you, Kevin
"Add New" Items in stateless forms cause issues when touched on a click "On Submit" workflow
This is a new error. If I select a existing drop down record in my stateless form and try to use it on a onclick workflow, it works, but if I select "Add New" on that drop down and use a new item it wont work. If I exit the form and begin again I can
How to get a image url
Hi, This is Surya, 1. I want to get the URL of an image that was uploaded to the Zoho creator using image field (uploaded through local storage). I referred [] to this link but i didn't get the solution. I followed the instructions in the above link.and when i click the button I get an error. Refer to attachment for error. 2.I am trying to integrate with Facebook and i want to post an image to Facebook from the
Input fields in HTML or ZML snippets
I'm trying to design a html search-result list report page. I used the search option to add one field on the page but i need to add more fields. Is there an option to add input fields on the pages?
Emailed links vanishing
Does anyone else get complaints from some of their portal users that emails are losing links? This is happening on really core emails like password resets. Most users will receive a perfectly good link, but some just see plain text instead. And when
Using dropdown append and add functions on a dropdown field inside a dynamically generated subform row
Greetings i'm working on a subform where i will create rows dynamically and assign them values on form load. i also want to assign choices dynamically to the dropdown menus of each generated row. the issue is when i try to access the :ui of the dynamically
Zoho Creator Upcoming Updates — March 2023
Hello all! Zoho Creator continues to rapidly develop new features and functionalities to help you solve your business challenges. We'll never cease working to amaze you with incredible new updates. And today, we're announcing a neat range of features
ZOHO Upgrade - What a mess
Since you Upgraded us automatically nothing has worked correctly. Our developer has contacted you several times but to no avail. Therefore, we have developed our own system and are cancelling our subscription. It was a great product but, as far as we are concerned, your auto upgrade is a real mess. Maybe you should, like all other software suppliers, offered the upgrade but not made it automatic. Anthony Gemmill - CEO Imagic (UK) Ltd.
Filtering for Date Field
I am wanting to create a filter so I can filter by day of the month, rather than filtering for the whole month. For example, if I have data input on 22-Jun-2007, I want to be able to filter on just this specific day. Any suggestions?
Convert Date field DD-MMM-YYYY to DD-MM-YYYY
I cant seem to figure out how to change a date field in the format DD-MMM-YYYY to the format YYYY-MM-DD I understand i need to use string and date functions but still cannot quite get it right. Any help? Thanks
Formula field to output a percentage
I added a formula field to my form that I would like to have the output be a percentage rather than a decimal. what script can I write for this to occur?
Access registered Zoho People user data from script in Creator
I am working on an app in Creator that would allow for employees to submit tickets for manger review and designation to various departments. I want to have only the "manager reviewed" tickets to be viewable by employees in the departments designated my
User ID based data filter
I want a function similar to the ZCRM, Owner-based data filter is the standard functionality in CRM right? Similar to that each line of data has a "User Email ID" field, the code needs to fetch the logged user email ID and filter the "User Email ID" column
Creator Map Report: Latitude and Longitude
Hello. I have a form named Add_Property. Within that form we have an Address Field named Address (see image). The problem is that all of the properties being entered are not getting the correct Latitude and Longitude for the Map Report. In the photo,
Zoho Creator - [Free Webinar] Learning Table Series for NGO
Hello everyone! The most pivotal part of building any application is to understand the industry, business operations and standard features/functionalities that are required to get the operations going. Industry is the key here and every feature that we
Zoho Subscription Pricing
Greetings everyone, We have a deep appreciation for all the remarkable Zoho products, and we take great pride in our partnership with Zoho. However, we have encountered a significant challenge concerning the pricing of Zoho subscriptions, which has resulted
Related record count in Creator
Excuse me if this is a very basic question. I have tried to find it in the docs and forums but I didn't see anything. Can I have a field in Zoho Creator that counts the number of related records in a different table? If each record in table A has a lookup
Creator: Page Parameters Help
I need help understanding Page Parameters and making a lookup page for records specific to the lookup field. I made 1 minute video showing where I'm stuck: *I've tried duplicating examples in
URL is no longer available when needing to export view without login
Previously, this was working fine. However, today when I try to export a private view using CSV feed, the link to enable "To access the view without login" is no longer visible. See below.
Scheduled Report - Pivot Table as XLS Attachment
Hi Guys, I was wondering if anyone had a workaround to this problem I am having. Currently, pivot table reports are only allowed as PDF attachments when added as an attachment in the SendMail function (
Creator: How to fetch images attached to a record
Our technicians submit a Form before and after each job they work (see attached Form). Once the form is submitted, I want to do other things with the attached items. How can I make workflows with the attached items upon submit of the form? Can someone
Google url Shortning API call with Deluge
I am attempting to shorten an url using the Google url Shortning API. However the scripting is returning an error Below is how I have scripted the API call in deluge: headerMap = {"Content-type" : "application/json"}; requestBody = {"longUrl":""}; response11 = postUrl("",requestBody , headerMap,false); Here is the error return in the response: {"responseCode":"400","responseText":"The request
Dynamic Drop Down Population
I have found this useful and assume others will as well. For this activity, I have a form that allows the user to select a sport, which is a lookup field to my sports form. Once a sport is selected, I have two drop down fields that are for event types
Email data to a form
Hey everyone, I set this up per the instructions here: The emails are not generating records in Zoho Creator. I BCC'd the "Form Email Address" when sending the test email. My test email is a
Creator Subforms: How to loop through subform and calculate sum total of timestamps?
We have a subform that tracks Clock-In/Clock-Out for our service technicians. One of the fields in the subform (Job_Time) calculates the difference between the Clock-In Time and the Clock-Out Time, leaving it in minutes format, see attached image. How
How To Get The Data From One Form To Another Form
EX ; 1.I have enter details in Powerreading From 2. when i open report and i enter data values and dropdown values then autoplate next two fields 3. can help me 4. Add Attached Both Form Also can check it and tell me
New version
Plz admin long time we used the old version plz bring us new taste of invoice 🙂 we 💞Zoho app.
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