Send email when certain fields are updated.
I have a form in Zoho that nearly mimics a local database, except for a handful of fields. When I update the Zoho form, I want to send an email to myself to remind me to update the local copy. Only, I don't want the email if the only fields updated were non-duplicated ones. I'd rather not add one email notification per field I care about, as that's quite a number of fields. Is this possible? Thanks, -Christina
How do I round up a number to the nearest 1000 or round down to the nearest 1,000?
For example: Round up the number 133,768 to 134,000 (nearest 1000) Round down the number 133,768 to 133,000 (nearest 1000) Thanks
Update production data from development environment C6
Hi guys, I am using C6 and one of my struggles is that I want to update some production data without needing to create a function and transfer this to the production environment to update some data. Little bit of elaboration: I have invoice lines in Creator
Material Reconciliation in Zoho Creator
I have created a Zoho Creator app for my purchase and production. Now I want to create ledger for material code that is Receipt and Consumption and Balance for a particular period. I don't know how to achieve this.
Introducing Cloud Functions
Hello App Creators, Greetings from Zoho Creator! We are happy to inform you about a new feature in Zoho Creator called Cloud Functions . They are functions which are executed serverless, supported only by Creator's infrastructure, and hence the name Cloud Functions. The new cloud functions support two languages: Java and Node.js. This feature will be available under the Functions section of the Workflows module. Once these functions have been configured and written, they can be called from any of
Recording values in different currencies
I have a creator form that we use for survey recommendations and, at the moment, the value saved is set up as £GBP. However we have some clients from other countries and would like to save a value as a different currency. It doesn't need to make any exchange
Window tablet native app
Hi Zoho, With windows based tablets are becoming more popular and starting to gain market share from Android and Apple it would be nice to see Zoho publish the Creator app for larger devices. We are moving all of users off the ipad onto the Microsoft Surface line this year and would like to use it as a native app. I would assume this would be very useful for many businesses... Windows phone version is already created and published, why not make it available for tablets? Thanks for your consideration.
Formula field Calculation Used in another formula
Hello! I' m having issues trying to show the price after date selection. * I have to dates ( arrival and departure ) * I have a formula field (total days) that calculate the days difference ( everything working so far) * I want to have another field(Price total) that shows the price depending on how many days in (total days) I tried to go to workflow and add a new action that says If total days is 1, set field value (Price toal) to 590. It didn't work, so I tried to do this with another field
Hide sort & group options in mobile app
Hello. Is it possible to hide the grouping and sorting options in the mobile app in a report embedded in an html widget?
Royalty/Sum Calculation app based on uploaded statements.
Good afternoon. I'm relatively new to Creator but have adopted the software for my new business currently setting up. I plan work in music publishing and have the following question. Is it possible to build an App in creator where i can upload a royalty statement from a record label (as a .CSV or Excel File), align the columns and then calculate % splits and report out the new statements? Something similar to this -
How to protect my reports data.
I don't want anyone to copy my report data. For now able to select all and then copy hole data. How to stop Copying data.
hide formula field
Now that there is an option to show a formula field on a form we also need the ability to conditionally hide these fields. When I try to hide a formula field the following error message is displayed. hide/show/enable/disable fields is not applicable for formula field Herb Wexler
How to read a file from workdrive
How should I read a file with deluge from zoho workdrive? ( more specific a json file? ) fileVariable = invokeUrl [ url :"https://workdrive.zoho.xxxxxx" type: GET connection:"workdriveconnection" ]; is working, but i not succeed in getting the file content.
How to change the Permalink(Publish) Form- Width and height
Help me to change the Width and Height of the Permalink Form Which the Permalink is Published . Is there any way to change the Width and Height without customizing the fields in the Forms?
how to make creator widget sdk work on my localhost
Greetings i'm trying to connect my widget to my zoho creator app, what i have now in my code is the basic example: ZOHO.CREATOR.init() .then(function (data) { console.log(data); }).catch(err => { console.log(err); }); this code doesn't work locally, it
Zoho Creator Environments is an underdeveloped feature that is full of bugs
I have been using Zoho Creator for the past year and a half for developing and maintaining a custom business system for a client of mine. I want to start by saying, I think Zoho Deluge and Creator is general is a very powerful and useful tool. I have
Lookup Field Checkboxes
Hi, I have this problem currently in all my applications. To simplify I have created a Test application with the following form: form Untitled_Form { displayname = "Untitled Form" field alignment = left Checkbox ( type = checkboxes values = {"Choice 1", "Choice 2", "Choice 3"} ) Choices ( type = checkboxes values = Choices.ID displayformat = [ Single_Line ] sortorder = ascending searchable = true
Is there a way to have custom scriptable buttons in creator forms without being forced to resort to use stateless forms?
Greetings In my form i need a very simple functionality that is to have a button submit a record and then be redirected to another form, and another button to submit a record and reload form so a user can enter new records. the only way i found to be
Deluge code formatting
Hello Zohoholics I'm trying out Zoho Creator and there is a lot to like. Coming from a programming background I'm enjoying the productivity gains in Creator. But, as a low level coder the Deluge editor is reformatting my code! It removes spaces and moves my braces placement. This is not good - any way I can turn this off please! Also is it possible to theme the Creator itself (not the application) to have a dark background (or at least the code editor). Thanks in advance. David.
Feature Request: Dynamic Field Names/Labels
I would like to suggest a feature that allows us to flex the Display Name (sometimes referred to as Label) of a Form Field. Example: Lets say I have two clients using the same Zoho Creator Form to input employee names. The Form has a hidden field called
Referencing a filw in Workdrive
Hi, I'm building a form where the user will need to reference (not upload) documents hosted in our workdrive. I thought about using the Upload field, but this would copy the document from workdrive to Creator. Not reference it (is permalink it) Using
Lookup returns ID not value
I've created a sales order form, and when I select the account for the sale via Lookup it returns the ID for the Billing Country, Billing State, Shipping Country and Shipping State instead of the value. Here's the code I am using to pull the account information into the order form: selected_Sold_To = Account [ID = input.Sold_To]; input.Billing_Street = selected_Sold_To.Billing_Street; input.Billing_City = selected_Sold_To.Billing_City; input.Billing_Country = selected_Sold_To.Billing_Country.toString();
check vacation request on other form
Hi all, Could anyone help me what's wrong with this code? My intention is if the assistant set vacation status on the Timesheet form the script should check if the employee has a valid vacation request for the certain day on Vacation form. checkvacreq=Vacation[ID==input.Name];
Migrating a Zoho Forms form into Zoho Creator
Hi, How can I migrate my Zoho Forms form into Zoho Creator? Thanks. Truly, Emad
Update account on inventory bundle
Could someone please give me the deluge code needed to change one of the account numbers on the accounting transaction that's created when you create a bundle? Specifically, the entry is: DR Finished Goods CR Uncategorized expense And I want Deluge code
Subform details in a email
I have read the following: and tried putting this into my form: message=""; for each item in Progress { message=message + item.Progress + "<br />"; } But this is getting ALL the items in progress, but I just want the ones that have been added as subforms to just the current form. How do I do this? Is there a way to identify in the subform what mainform ID is associated with it?
Dynamic Population of Subform Dropdown
On the user input of a field in the main form, I want to auto create subform rows (based on records in another form) and populate a dropdown field in each based on a third form. I've been able to dynamically populate subform row dropdown fields on the
Zoho Creator : Changing owner of esablished app
We have several apps and analytics dashboards/datasources that were created by the owner of our company. He now longer has the time to maintain the system and wishes to hand ownership over to the head developer. I believe that several elements of creator
Allowing customers to add tags without enabling full edit permissions
Hello! I am trying to understand whether there is a way to allow portal customers to have the ability to edit a single property (i.e., not enabling full edit permissions for a given object). I would like to allow our users to create and assign their own
I can't get NFC tag info.
Hi Support, The following tag is my NFG tag read result. My Page set up like following After I execute Creator APP to detect NFC tag. APP already detected the NFC and jump to Form.But got nothing in AssetID field. Please give me a advice .
Where is the template for "Thank you for signing up"
I can see in the cutomer portal there are templates for Login Page Signup Page Reset Password Page However I am looking for the screen that displays when someone has hit the "Sign Up" button. On my system it looks like this : I would like to change the
Lookup ID field reverts to Zoho ID
I'm having trouble selecting a lookup field link other than the .ID when linking forms. When creating the relationship in form-builder, I am presented with a choice for which field will be the link. In the past, I would select my own ID field (e.g Program.Program_ID) instead of the Zoho ID field (e.g. Program.ID). On these older forms, this definition show as I created it in the workflow->Form Definitions as well. ( values = Program.Program_ID ) Recently, I tried to create another form with a lookup
Need to Filter Report on Multi Select Field via URL
Hello all, I am trying to filter and embed a HTML Creator report in a Page and filter based on the selections in a multi select picklist. Here is what I am trying to accomplish but I cannot seem to get the syntax right for the "OR" portion of the URL.
Lookup on Dropdown presents ID Number not String Value
I know this has been addressed in at least these two posts: ... but the offered answers don't seem to address/remedy my situation. I have two forms: Agents and Agency. Agents has a dropdown that lets you select available Agencies. Using the following code in the Agents form under Field Actions>Agency>On User Input,
Import Error
I try to import a .ds file from the workspace, to create another application in the same (workspace). But while importing the .ds file this type of error occurred "same application name already exists".So I change the Application name and try to import
How to get ID of item after being redirected to a new form using a button
Hello, I am new to Zoho Creator and Deluge script, hoping for some assistance. I have created a report where I added a "Notes" button. I have created a workflow where the "Notes" button should redirect me to a new form below. My question is how can I
Merging Ticket upon successful submission of the form
Hi Zoho Team, Requesting you assistance again. I'm creating an automation workflow that on every successful form submission, the email notif will send to Desk then merge the created ticket. I came across to this command: zoho.desk.ticket.merge My code
How to return the content of a Lookup field rather than the ID
I wish to use Setvariable using the content from a lookup field but i am only getting the ID. A method? Gosh I wish there was some really basic resource with lots of examples to facilitate learning Deluge . Deluge for Dummies - I like the alliteration.
External CSS. Is it possible to <link> to external CSS from a HTML View?
External CSS. Is it possible to <link> to external CSS from a HTML View?
How to pass dynamic parameters directly in the publish url zoho creator.
Hello I need some help. I am publishing a page. When I publish a page it ask for parameter which I had define in Page argument. When i pass Hardcore value it show its published page preview. But When I pass parameters like and so on. It shows an error in preview. Please tell me how can i pass parameters value during publishing my page.
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